Tuesday 25 June 2024

Hello "Hong Kong"...

 I say Hong Kong, knowing well enough it could be anywhere for that matter.

It appears that there is one person which take pleasure (I hope) in reading Iz words.  They were meant to be, so fell free, Iz work has always been at 0% commission.

So, you behind the screen, don't stay a stranger, be brave!  You don't have to show your face, just tell us what you think of the read.  Iz might be gone to another realm, but the work is still going on and I hope I'll be able to accomplish some of it...at least. 

Friday 17 May 2024

Hong Kong...really?

 So, what do you think of it all?  Do you enjoy the read?  Iznibz would have hoped so!  Don't be shy, comment as you wish!

Tuesday 9 January 2024

Drum for ever...


Thursday 12 January 2023