Saturday, 6 December 2008
Friday, 5 December 2008
Dear Toby,
Oh dear Toby,are you trying to be mysterious again? DON'T!You have taken liberties son,you have duties as yet undischarged.Have you got problems that you would like to discuss with a view to some kind of amicable familial reconciliation ? I know I have.
We will be taking delivery of twenty tonnes of stone today,from the quarry in St.Just.
My knees are breaking at the mere thought of moving the mountain up the hill. It must all be done manually. Roolz Iz Roolz. It iz going to be most interesting. I reckon the world deserves better than to be led up a virtual garden path by idle internaught gamers.I am speaking specifically to you, If you can call this speaking.
Marie Therese took Anne-So and I shopping this week, she insisted we accept a bed as a wedding /Christmas present. It has a seven foot long mattress,really firm no springs,natural latex.More comfort than I have had in thirteen years. There are parts of me that haven't been allowed to rest properly since long before my separation. If I was to give this house a definitive identity,I would call it a hobo's rest. As I am on the last leg of a long journey, working and learning.,the destination not yet visibly evident, the round house bothie will be the place I will finally come home to at journey's end.
I prepare the infrastructure for a long and creative sustainable life ahead. Link to this on your Blog and on Facebook if you will,The resultant ripples will be worth observing. They haven't yet scraped the wrapper off the world of work that is coming. The paths that lead from our journey's end,then will present in perspective easier routes to what I regard as my Last Worlder reality. Post Armageddon Rennaissance.
I have been as good as my word so far. You can't do this if you locked into a static system. Cash dependency is too great.My lot haven't come home truly since the British adventure in India ,the integrated intelligence acrued by the mixing of cultures in that time,needs somewhere to go. Locking this independant movement out of your family home leaves you stranded by your own misguided action at the marginal fringe of the commercial market place without a viable long term product. Up the creek without a paddle and ripe for exploitation.
We watched the stone being loaded on the trailer. Fifteen cubic metres of mixed unwashed rejects,containing several metres of marl clay. sixty five euros, ninety for transport. very useful stuff, most economic. A real pity son that there was so much opposition and resistance to my way of living in your family. With me living and working in my domestic economy. My little firm could have ticked over supporting us nominally until recession broke. You didn't regard me as an asset even whilst I was busy working those long hours in your family's service. So little respect for the workingman who goes ahead of you with no sustainable life support left to those who follow you on.What do you mean by generational progess,in the context of your individual lifespan. Where is the growing mark of permanence.
I took a look at your blog to try ands keep up with your"developments". I was disappointed with what I found. You are wasting valuable time Toby.
I care a lot about both you and your sister.A fat lot of positive good its done.I hope you have plenty of well coordinated cover stories on hand.To account for my presence. How come you still claim to be a student, thats a bit devious,no? You were insisting when you were putting on the agony to stay in your rent free co-habitation with your mother, (a real sugar mom she must be to you to let her big baby get away with doing so little,)You bragged about how you would get a first,with the implication that it wouldnt even take much work. Your voice over was pure shite Toby.You need directing son .Why publicise bad work. Destroy it.It takes the piss.Set your visible standard higher or it will drag you down.
So did you pass? I had to send you back to your course twice,so you wouldn't use us again as some kind of optional skive.You totally trashed what would have been a tidy resolution to your parent's settlement.my only window of proper opportunityfor a while.Sabotaged in your own self serving interest.
I insist that you open some useful channel of discrete communication that familial problems outstanding can be resolved. You owe Toby.
FAMILY MATTERS.Family matters will have to be brought to notice. Whenever I feel the urge to talk about matters of concern.I will publish open letters It could get embarrassing. You may bluff your play pals in trivia land for a while,you all do that to each other in group massage. You are a gross under acheiver son,through willful idleness alone, It is shameful. If your family don't act in moral conscience. It will be noticed. Regarding your statement that you are" being good" You are only as good as your family's principle core values. As the threesome estranged itself from mine, calling itself "The Family" Exclusive of the dad."Don't tell dad" is still the order of the day. Having done a little intel gathering amongst your decadent peer group, they too seem to be just hanging around like vultures for their parents legacy before they get off their artistic backsides and work(function) properly,If ever they do.
I be playing "Blues for Emma" over Christmas. We have been invited to Marie Therese's home for a large family gathering. I will not be there. Anne-So will enjoy, there is no slight. I will make a teething spoon for the youngest of the Douins,Gael. He is bright as a button. Im becoming a broody man.I will stay on my own patch and toot my flute. If I can make a recording on the day and post it I will.Weeping with sincerity in every note.
Another matter Toby, I will be turning over the subject of non cognitive behaviour amongst other observable non drug or alcohol induced mental impairments. "The normalcy of group psychosis," and "Outing the devil".I do hope you people aren't feeling too sensitive.How the Devil are you anyway? And the man fromTir Na Nog?How iz he. Which bits of the real life are you struggling with son. I would be glad to talk in person if you need. I will air my concerns by talking to the Wall,On the Arsebook anti social network if I have to. Or not,just something to type, perhaps. It is worth thinking about.
Come to think of it... The voice over stuff,was about as credible as Neil Kinnock's election victory celebration.Love ,your sweet darling appreciative hard working and honest,not so "fucking sad old twat of a dad".Give your sister a hug from me.Nothing like the real McCoy, It'll just have to bloody do,iz all.Encourage Emma to write. If she made a habit I am sure she'd get the benefit. She only dislikes red pepper if she knows she is eating it.
We will be taking delivery of twenty tonnes of stone today,from the quarry in St.Just.
My knees are breaking at the mere thought of moving the mountain up the hill. It must all be done manually. Roolz Iz Roolz. It iz going to be most interesting. I reckon the world deserves better than to be led up a virtual garden path by idle internaught gamers.I am speaking specifically to you, If you can call this speaking.
Marie Therese took Anne-So and I shopping this week, she insisted we accept a bed as a wedding /Christmas present. It has a seven foot long mattress,really firm no springs,natural latex.More comfort than I have had in thirteen years. There are parts of me that haven't been allowed to rest properly since long before my separation. If I was to give this house a definitive identity,I would call it a hobo's rest. As I am on the last leg of a long journey, working and learning.,the destination not yet visibly evident, the round house bothie will be the place I will finally come home to at journey's end.
I prepare the infrastructure for a long and creative sustainable life ahead. Link to this on your Blog and on Facebook if you will,The resultant ripples will be worth observing. They haven't yet scraped the wrapper off the world of work that is coming. The paths that lead from our journey's end,then will present in perspective easier routes to what I regard as my Last Worlder reality. Post Armageddon Rennaissance.
I have been as good as my word so far. You can't do this if you locked into a static system. Cash dependency is too great.My lot haven't come home truly since the British adventure in India ,the integrated intelligence acrued by the mixing of cultures in that time,needs somewhere to go. Locking this independant movement out of your family home leaves you stranded by your own misguided action at the marginal fringe of the commercial market place without a viable long term product. Up the creek without a paddle and ripe for exploitation.
We watched the stone being loaded on the trailer. Fifteen cubic metres of mixed unwashed rejects,containing several metres of marl clay. sixty five euros, ninety for transport. very useful stuff, most economic. A real pity son that there was so much opposition and resistance to my way of living in your family. With me living and working in my domestic economy. My little firm could have ticked over supporting us nominally until recession broke. You didn't regard me as an asset even whilst I was busy working those long hours in your family's service. So little respect for the workingman who goes ahead of you with no sustainable life support left to those who follow you on.What do you mean by generational progess,in the context of your individual lifespan. Where is the growing mark of permanence.
I took a look at your blog to try ands keep up with your"developments". I was disappointed with what I found. You are wasting valuable time Toby.
I care a lot about both you and your sister.A fat lot of positive good its done.I hope you have plenty of well coordinated cover stories on hand.To account for my presence. How come you still claim to be a student, thats a bit devious,no? You were insisting when you were putting on the agony to stay in your rent free co-habitation with your mother, (a real sugar mom she must be to you to let her big baby get away with doing so little,)You bragged about how you would get a first,with the implication that it wouldnt even take much work. Your voice over was pure shite Toby.You need directing son .Why publicise bad work. Destroy it.It takes the piss.Set your visible standard higher or it will drag you down.
So did you pass? I had to send you back to your course twice,so you wouldn't use us again as some kind of optional skive.You totally trashed what would have been a tidy resolution to your parent's settlement.my only window of proper opportunityfor a while.Sabotaged in your own self serving interest.
I insist that you open some useful channel of discrete communication that familial problems outstanding can be resolved. You owe Toby.
FAMILY MATTERS.Family matters will have to be brought to notice. Whenever I feel the urge to talk about matters of concern.I will publish open letters It could get embarrassing. You may bluff your play pals in trivia land for a while,you all do that to each other in group massage. You are a gross under acheiver son,through willful idleness alone, It is shameful. If your family don't act in moral conscience. It will be noticed. Regarding your statement that you are" being good" You are only as good as your family's principle core values. As the threesome estranged itself from mine, calling itself "The Family" Exclusive of the dad."Don't tell dad" is still the order of the day. Having done a little intel gathering amongst your decadent peer group, they too seem to be just hanging around like vultures for their parents legacy before they get off their artistic backsides and work(function) properly,If ever they do.
I be playing "Blues for Emma" over Christmas. We have been invited to Marie Therese's home for a large family gathering. I will not be there. Anne-So will enjoy, there is no slight. I will make a teething spoon for the youngest of the Douins,Gael. He is bright as a button. Im becoming a broody man.I will stay on my own patch and toot my flute. If I can make a recording on the day and post it I will.Weeping with sincerity in every note.
Another matter Toby, I will be turning over the subject of non cognitive behaviour amongst other observable non drug or alcohol induced mental impairments. "The normalcy of group psychosis," and "Outing the devil".I do hope you people aren't feeling too sensitive.How the Devil are you anyway? And the man fromTir Na Nog?How iz he. Which bits of the real life are you struggling with son. I would be glad to talk in person if you need. I will air my concerns by talking to the Wall,On the Arsebook anti social network if I have to. Or not,just something to type, perhaps. It is worth thinking about.
Come to think of it... The voice over stuff,was about as credible as Neil Kinnock's election victory celebration.Love ,your sweet darling appreciative hard working and honest,not so "fucking sad old twat of a dad".Give your sister a hug from me.Nothing like the real McCoy, It'll just have to bloody do,iz all.Encourage Emma to write. If she made a habit I am sure she'd get the benefit. She only dislikes red pepper if she knows she is eating it.
Labels:Eco Logic
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