I have been too impatient, projecting myself ahead of each growing season . Stuff never seems to grow fast enough. The pace of the work has slowed me down somewhat,I shouldn't have been so anxious. In the spite of the unscheduled glitch due to health issues, my morning walkabout brought the realisation that most of the current cultivation is in time on track. I should have kept faith. It rained hard yesterday, much new lush growth throughout the home field. It was a fruity morning walk.
Lets get prowling...
Red hazels and green filberts.
Elder berries .
Young walnut tree promises a heavy crop this year.
Strawberries just coming into their season.
Nectarines and peaches, grown from stones discarded in the compost.
Thornless blackberry supported by a self seeded "rogue" peach tree
Blurred whitecurrants.
Oh oh, more peaches
Ripening redcurrants
There'll be a bucket or two of peas to shell from this lot.
It looks a bit crowded,but they all appear perfectly happy together. Lettuce, maize, Brussel sprouts, sunflowers, coco beans ancoriander, there is more to come not yet showing.
The onions will be huge this year. Just wait and see.
I have heard so much doom laden news of global crop failures, here's a patch of wheat the nasty weather missed. I believe the paranoid farmer has just dosed his almost ripened wheat with fungicide. I wouldn't eat it.
Saving this batch of broad beans, an old variety, for seed.
Some pretty colour.
Looking back at the entrance to the vegetable garden.
There will be more images later. Glean what you can from the photos. I'm happy to share some of my "funny ideas" you may find some of them suit you. Bon courage, don't be shy.