Monday, 23 June 2008

Toward the journeymans rest...

I'm grateful for the pile of stone sitting at the entrance of the garden. Two trailer loads reclaimed from an unwanted out building,all thanks to Marie Theresa and Emile for their heroic initiative and assistance.Thanks also to G. for his help. We must now move the obstacle from the path, as it's making carrying water to the garden difficult. We are promised a week of sunshine, so we have no choice but to clear a path,the watering must not be hindered.I'll be happier when I have established a well in the garden.Homeland is evolving towards it's optimum condition,It drives us ,we steer it. Words are cheap, the work is hard. Before the stone can be moved to the site of the roundhouse,each one must be cleaned of the sand and lime mortar that still clings to it, small amounts at a time ,in between ,more pleasant jobs. I will try to chronicle the progress of the stone in photographs,although little may be gleaned of the real beauty of colour, form or purpose,an indication at least to others of how a seemingly impossible inspired vision may be realized. The juggernaut of the historic mistake, leaving devastation in it's wake enslaving all who naively served it's cause, is gradually leaving this region. We are dedicated to the task of aiding the reestablishmentof an independent peasantry.A way that works without unethical compromise to the existing ecology and without political,commercial or sectarian opposition , must be pioneered in anticipation of great demographic change, the consequence of the unsustainable complex systems of life support.In establishing our own domain, independent of government or commercial sponsorship,we may then be empowered to help others to understand the paradigms of their 'new' environment. The base of the terrestrial ecology must be protected and repaired from it's present state of neglect, those who serve the long term interests of the land must aquire skills appropriate to the long term needs of the aspirant settler. Many future generations will be well served by diligent attention to detail, in an effective ,economic 'How To' trail . Awareness of principles gained from singular and accumulated collective experience needs to be inducted in a context that relates to the territory of a newcomers responsibility, his or her independent homeland.
We did it, the stones are sorted ready for cleaning. Tidy in there temporary home, they look well enough for now, missed the end of Brazil,great movie but the garden
had the stronger attraction,we emptied a bowser of water from the fishing lake with watering cans. The soil is a beautiful colour when it's wet.Marie Therese brought us a hundred and fifty leek seedlings ,having planted out three hundred in her own garden.I'll plant them out tomorrow.Ground has been prepared for more sprouts and a trench dug and watered for more peas. Today was a good days work, great buzz, as it should be.

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