The context of a bespoke domain,must fit the life that it iz designed to support.The function of the infrastructure must not over ride the needs of environmental base.
I have just been stacking next years firewood. we now have many oak saplings being raised in the garden, for replanting later. A small harvest of hazelnuts will produce some dozens of plants for regenerating the utility woodland, some for hedging around the field as well as providing a modest feast of good sweet nuts.
Five kilos of beautiful tomatoes are added to the five already waiting to be bottled or frozen, some of the cuttings salvaged from the spring pruning are also now bearing fruit. peach stones from fruit eaten last year are now delicate little trees,between one and three feet high,no bug damage,every leaf perfect.
Ground has been prepared in anticipation for expanding the strawberry bed. Small batches of conserve get made between sessions of tomatoes, filling the kitchen with a divine perfume.
The story of the stones continues,many images will appear on the Flickr photostream.
The coco bean photo story celebrating a wonderfully productive vegetable will also be posted.
I can't imagine that this blog will ever get read by anyone.I'm not pushing it. It's a long term project. Mudskool iz a growing reality. The pioneering ground breaking iz heavy
work.Slow but steady forward. Resources accumulate ahead of the construction. I long to leave this modernised dwelling behind. It iz most inefficient for use of energy and comfort.The traditional charm of the original building has been rationalised and straightened out. Sacrificing comfort for sterile convenience meks no sense to me.
The roundhouse iz to be my escape vehicle to a permanent state of sustainable development. The Izdom of Iz.
While you are watching this space the future has already happened. It iz unplugged.
You will no doubt eventually get a Google view of the goings on here, I will ensure for your edification and delight that the pictures will be most elegant.
This blog iz just an exhaust portal from the on going Izziness.Don't hold your breath for too long.Go outside, breath some fresh air,stretch your working muscles and perhaps get your fingernails dirty.You could roll a menhir around your garden or take one for a long walk, a small menhir would serve. I will move some stones today,I will finish stacking the wood.I'll dance with my hoe for an hour or two,heavy weeding on the haie.
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