There has been a slight change of plan.I will be starting in LONDON. I will be there all being well eight p.m. Saturday evening. The single ticket has been booked. I expect to cover my return fair back to France out of the copper remainder,after the silver the gold, as well as any cheques and paper money has been put safely away. I don't want Pledges. Stick them where the sun don't shine.
I will sleep on your floor son and make diesel flavoured "Ooblee Dooblee" flute music in the streets of London with my stainless steel Begging Bucket for as long as my reserve of energy and strength hold out. The objective is to at least cover the cost of the return ticket from Paris to Port au Prince. I can always give someone the return journey if I have to stay. Anne-Sophie will stay here with her care work and organise local support in this region. While I am in London she will liase with "D" towards a meeting in Paris with others similarly motivated and empowered. I will also be busking in Paris to maximise the opportunity.
Anne-Sophie will organise seeds for community garden. I will leave you with a wish list before my departure. The trunk will have to be sent over seperately. TOOLS. Not any old Poundshop garbage. The best you can find by all legitimate means. Hand tools for carpentry. Priority in the hardware department, Hoe heads.
GOOD NEWS of sorts, "D's" mam is in poor health so she is being rescued by her daughter , she will come back when she is well. GRANNY is strong, old school. She is over eighty but she is staying in Port au Prince. We will try and give her something to smile about in her last days LONG LIVE GRANNY POWER.
We will probaby occupy "D's" mam's broken house. set up field kitchen and garden.
"R",that"s "D's" sister will make contact with the YELE AIYTI people in the U.S.
So what is left to say? I will be getting my old rags patched up some and oil my boots. I will charge up the batteries for my amp, I hope you have a charger to use while I am with you. I have a little WHITE HOREHOUND you had best get some more NEAL'S YARD REMEDIES stock it. It is essential to keep my lungs in good shape.
They have had another 6.5 tremor in Port au Prince.
If you haven't taken an interest already, research the Slave Rebellion in Haiti. There is a good documentary on Dr.Bogdanovich's channel on the YouTube..
I hope you don't collapse under the strain of having me in your face for a short time. Pray I achieve my target objective quickly. Needs be said , I don't want to see even a patronising sniff of a facade of neo liberal political correctness while I am visiting. It will be met with me being pissed off to the power at least of 7.5 on the Richter scale.
The whole of the free world OWES Haiti big time. I am not coming to London to argue the toss with alchoholic party liggers. If any should chance to wind me up this time they risk being met with a very firm and unambiguous none vocal response. PEACE OR ELSE.
I Love you son. See you on Saturday.SMILING
Wednesday, 20 January 2010
Monday, 18 January 2010
The road to hell ...
...some say is paved with good intentions. "All roads to heaven pass through hell."Sez Iznibz. It shouldn't stop us trying.
I am not blind to the suffering in Haiti. I would have to be dead to not to
notice over the years. Root causes well documented in factual historic records embellished with myths and legends and popular superstition world wide.
Good folk have persevered by each generation to make some modest progress for family and community,working, keeping faith against impossible odds that things would eventually get better have, endured bitter disappointment and grievous tragedy for centuries. The most current disaster, the earthquake, isn't a movie. Realistically it could get worse before it gets better, if ever it does. We live in hope of sustainable long term good result. All of us have a duty of care to ensure that the Republic of Haiti is aided in its daunting task to establish it on the path to a state of equitable grace.
Walking the walk and talking the talk, isn't going to cut the mustard.Doing the do is all.
Some months ago I met a Haitian woman on a train journey to Paris. "D" she was studying environmental and waste management at college, some such title, "near enough" sez I, visiting her partner "T" a fireman in the capital. An incident of little relevance to this story unfolded. A three pipe yarn in it's self, that will get duly blogged another time. The incident brought about an introduction of what we are, rather than who. Our common interests and concerns aired and shared. "D", Anne-So and I bonded in friendship immediately. Her granny and her mam are still in Port au Prince, fate was kind they are still alive. "On the street but alive." Praise and thanks.
On arrival in Paris, before the parting we exchanged addresses and determined to meet up and continue where we left off. That we have done a couple of times now .
I must say, I don't go out of my way to court popularity or cultivate people. Life is too short for shallow trivial"user friendly" relationships. they get in the way of the precious rarity of the genuine article. " Leave space around the table for the real thing," I say.
We muted that a visit to Haiti was in order sometime having discussed the historic social, economic and environmental concerns of the island and it's people. Agreeable wholly with the notion that independent none governmental initiatives were the order of the day. Self reliant ,motivated community action on the ground by the people who are in most need. What , and succeed against the combined force of successive natural disaster, corrupt political compromise and carpetbagging commercial exploiters ? Against the fetid tide of unholy and unnatural congenital prejudice. Wasn't it an Irishman who got into the White House with the slogan "YES WE CAN" O'Bama sez it well and appears to carry a lot of support for his expressed attitudes.
Haiti has been asset stripped since the arrival of Columbus. 500 years or so ago.
I'm sorry, are you getting bored? Suffer in silence you poor darling and keep reading.
The earthquake has moved the agenda forward . Diasporan people "working away" are busy tidying their affairs up worldwide and are rallying and mobilising to the aid of family community and nation as hard as any private citizen may. Friends of Haitian people touched by the pressing emergency are preparing with them to "DO THE DO".
"It iz wot I duz best", sez Iz.
Hang on , don't rush me, this is a single finger epic. (I pulled it out an age and a bit ago). I hate this here lego writing. Organic it's not. I'l have a slice of toast and a cuppa, then I will get to the point. By Heck! That was good. I burned one slice had to start again. Well worth the wait mind. This years Damson conserve is the BEEZNEEZ !!!
So where was I? The Point. HAITI...EARTHQUAKE...AID.
Looks like it's time to take to the streets again. Diesel flavoured flutings aren't my favourite but needs must.I have a stainless steel bucket that is begging to be filled , more than just the once. I need to generate return ticket money and a small contingency fund. "D" and "T" are preparing to go to Haiti in April. Several others,Haitian diasporans will also be travelling en group. I plan to be with them . A seemingly impossible task for me as Anne-So and I subsist on a part time minimum wage between the two of us. We get by without complaint. She can't abandon her care work locally but is happy to maintain a supporting role from home. I have no doubt it will be a vital one as always.
A small none such company will be presenting some of you tolerant liberal well meaning folk with as big a challenge as I will face?the difference being you can walk away I have no choice but to keep blowing my flute till the mission is fulfilled.
RAGGED MAN PROMOTIONS Will be presenting a begging bucket and a whole lot of unearthly racket for at least the next two months, starting with the dogshit covered streets of Rennes. then Paris If their is any breath left I will chance to do some tooting in London . Then back home and breath in.
Concurrent to this I am duty bound to do the spring planting and sowing . I'm looking forward to that. It will get my body into some kind of reasonable working shape.
In Paris we will be meeting with "D" and others to do some practical planning in preparation for the work ahead. I wanna be dancing with my hoe in Haiti by mid April.
Happen I'll bring "D's" Mam and her Granny a jar or two of that conserve while I'm at it. Share a joy, it spreads well.
What else? Tonnes more. Tons more and a bit if you still use the old twelve pence to the shilling. It is 04:39 for cryin' out loud. A bit more and then I'll get some sleep.
If you would like to check out some samples of noises I'll be making. Scroll down.
There is a stash or two awaiting discovery. February will see Toby and I playing together again. I hope so.
If you find you really can't bear me tootings. Send someone who can with a good will bank roll, appeased and assured that you will be sending me and my squeeky notes to hell. or somewhere close too it. That's your lot for now, I will be back tomorrow.
11:00 Good morning. English Breakfast tea. Anne-So has come back from a care visit, we have had a good chatter and a bite to eat. We have just had a phone call asking her if she would be the local union rep in her area. It would be good for everyone. Of course she said yes. She would be my first choice every time. Then I would say that wouldn't I? We are Married.
Blahdy Blahdy Blah... This is going nowhere. No point forcing the issue. That will teach me. I will get an early night tonight.
I haven't a clue who on earth would take time off to read this, but if it does stimulate a little interest you would be better off starting reading from the beginning, the archive starts in 2008. I will eventually link it in to a massive pile of other stuff. Past, Present and sustainable Future. What lasting good ? We will see.
Thinking about Haiti caused me to be reminded of my father, he died in '97. He related hard mens tales to me as a child, drawn from his difficult struggle. Buried alive in a coal mining accident. He was so compacted he couldn't tell what position his body was in to assist rescue. The collapse had also sheared his ear off. They dug him out after several failed guesses. Difficult and dangerous work for all and sundry. Miraculously one of the rescuers found his ear in the rubble, they put it in his pocket and the medics sewed it back on when they brought him to the surface. He carried till his death the coal miners credentials of a faint blue black scar "tattoo". It didn't show much, the medics did a tidy job. besides, he was a brown man. There is a photo of his much battered face taken about six years before his death in the archive. Just so's folk know where I am coming from. In his younger days he served as a volunteer with the Duke of Wellington's Regiment. A sacrifice he made for me. The only "Black" man in the regiment, in a most politically incorrect era. He was my childhood hero. Thanks Dad.
He taught me not to beg, so with respect don't trouble me with any misconception that I do that. I have been hungered to starving many times. When you see me on the street I will be acting in service to others, Bhakti by my faith. My hands, my head my heart and my every breath will be fully employed in giving. Recognise that it is the stainless steel bucket which is begging to be filled. I hope you do your part with at least as much enthusiasm. If you do happen to encounter me playing streetside, please don't stand in front of my face and insist on engaging me in conversation. At best I am likely to be very rude, at worst I may just bite your nose off. Wait until I take a break before the idle chatter. Bless all and any who cared to read this. I will be bringing to Haiti seeds for community garden and my hoe my flute and my drum and as much love as a man can carry in his heart. PLEASE SUPPORT MY MODEST EFFORTS.
I am not blind to the suffering in Haiti. I would have to be dead to not to
notice over the years. Root causes well documented in factual historic records embellished with myths and legends and popular superstition world wide.
Good folk have persevered by each generation to make some modest progress for family and community,working, keeping faith against impossible odds that things would eventually get better have, endured bitter disappointment and grievous tragedy for centuries. The most current disaster, the earthquake, isn't a movie. Realistically it could get worse before it gets better, if ever it does. We live in hope of sustainable long term good result. All of us have a duty of care to ensure that the Republic of Haiti is aided in its daunting task to establish it on the path to a state of equitable grace.
Walking the walk and talking the talk, isn't going to cut the mustard.Doing the do is all.
Some months ago I met a Haitian woman on a train journey to Paris. "D" she was studying environmental and waste management at college, some such title, "near enough" sez I, visiting her partner "T" a fireman in the capital. An incident of little relevance to this story unfolded. A three pipe yarn in it's self, that will get duly blogged another time. The incident brought about an introduction of what we are, rather than who. Our common interests and concerns aired and shared. "D", Anne-So and I bonded in friendship immediately. Her granny and her mam are still in Port au Prince, fate was kind they are still alive. "On the street but alive." Praise and thanks.
On arrival in Paris, before the parting we exchanged addresses and determined to meet up and continue where we left off. That we have done a couple of times now .
I must say, I don't go out of my way to court popularity or cultivate people. Life is too short for shallow trivial"user friendly" relationships. they get in the way of the precious rarity of the genuine article. " Leave space around the table for the real thing," I say.
We muted that a visit to Haiti was in order sometime having discussed the historic social, economic and environmental concerns of the island and it's people. Agreeable wholly with the notion that independent none governmental initiatives were the order of the day. Self reliant ,motivated community action on the ground by the people who are in most need. What , and succeed against the combined force of successive natural disaster, corrupt political compromise and carpetbagging commercial exploiters ? Against the fetid tide of unholy and unnatural congenital prejudice. Wasn't it an Irishman who got into the White House with the slogan "YES WE CAN" O'Bama sez it well and appears to carry a lot of support for his expressed attitudes.
Haiti has been asset stripped since the arrival of Columbus. 500 years or so ago.
I'm sorry, are you getting bored? Suffer in silence you poor darling and keep reading.
The earthquake has moved the agenda forward . Diasporan people "working away" are busy tidying their affairs up worldwide and are rallying and mobilising to the aid of family community and nation as hard as any private citizen may. Friends of Haitian people touched by the pressing emergency are preparing with them to "DO THE DO".
"It iz wot I duz best", sez Iz.
Hang on , don't rush me, this is a single finger epic. (I pulled it out an age and a bit ago). I hate this here lego writing. Organic it's not. I'l have a slice of toast and a cuppa, then I will get to the point. By Heck! That was good. I burned one slice had to start again. Well worth the wait mind. This years Damson conserve is the BEEZNEEZ !!!
So where was I? The Point. HAITI...EARTHQUAKE...AID.
Looks like it's time to take to the streets again. Diesel flavoured flutings aren't my favourite but needs must.I have a stainless steel bucket that is begging to be filled , more than just the once. I need to generate return ticket money and a small contingency fund. "D" and "T" are preparing to go to Haiti in April. Several others,Haitian diasporans will also be travelling en group. I plan to be with them . A seemingly impossible task for me as Anne-So and I subsist on a part time minimum wage between the two of us. We get by without complaint. She can't abandon her care work locally but is happy to maintain a supporting role from home. I have no doubt it will be a vital one as always.
A small none such company will be presenting some of you tolerant liberal well meaning folk with as big a challenge as I will face?the difference being you can walk away I have no choice but to keep blowing my flute till the mission is fulfilled.
RAGGED MAN PROMOTIONS Will be presenting a begging bucket and a whole lot of unearthly racket for at least the next two months, starting with the dogshit covered streets of Rennes. then Paris If their is any breath left I will chance to do some tooting in London . Then back home and breath in.
Concurrent to this I am duty bound to do the spring planting and sowing . I'm looking forward to that. It will get my body into some kind of reasonable working shape.
In Paris we will be meeting with "D" and others to do some practical planning in preparation for the work ahead. I wanna be dancing with my hoe in Haiti by mid April.
Happen I'll bring "D's" Mam and her Granny a jar or two of that conserve while I'm at it. Share a joy, it spreads well.
What else? Tonnes more. Tons more and a bit if you still use the old twelve pence to the shilling. It is 04:39 for cryin' out loud. A bit more and then I'll get some sleep.
If you would like to check out some samples of noises I'll be making. Scroll down.
There is a stash or two awaiting discovery. February will see Toby and I playing together again. I hope so.
If you find you really can't bear me tootings. Send someone who can with a good will bank roll, appeased and assured that you will be sending me and my squeeky notes to hell. or somewhere close too it. That's your lot for now, I will be back tomorrow.
11:00 Good morning. English Breakfast tea. Anne-So has come back from a care visit, we have had a good chatter and a bite to eat. We have just had a phone call asking her if she would be the local union rep in her area. It would be good for everyone. Of course she said yes. She would be my first choice every time. Then I would say that wouldn't I? We are Married.
Blahdy Blahdy Blah... This is going nowhere. No point forcing the issue. That will teach me. I will get an early night tonight.
I haven't a clue who on earth would take time off to read this, but if it does stimulate a little interest you would be better off starting reading from the beginning, the archive starts in 2008. I will eventually link it in to a massive pile of other stuff. Past, Present and sustainable Future. What lasting good ? We will see.
Thinking about Haiti caused me to be reminded of my father, he died in '97. He related hard mens tales to me as a child, drawn from his difficult struggle. Buried alive in a coal mining accident. He was so compacted he couldn't tell what position his body was in to assist rescue. The collapse had also sheared his ear off. They dug him out after several failed guesses. Difficult and dangerous work for all and sundry. Miraculously one of the rescuers found his ear in the rubble, they put it in his pocket and the medics sewed it back on when they brought him to the surface. He carried till his death the coal miners credentials of a faint blue black scar "tattoo". It didn't show much, the medics did a tidy job. besides, he was a brown man. There is a photo of his much battered face taken about six years before his death in the archive. Just so's folk know where I am coming from. In his younger days he served as a volunteer with the Duke of Wellington's Regiment. A sacrifice he made for me. The only "Black" man in the regiment, in a most politically incorrect era. He was my childhood hero. Thanks Dad.
He taught me not to beg, so with respect don't trouble me with any misconception that I do that. I have been hungered to starving many times. When you see me on the street I will be acting in service to others, Bhakti by my faith. My hands, my head my heart and my every breath will be fully employed in giving. Recognise that it is the stainless steel bucket which is begging to be filled. I hope you do your part with at least as much enthusiasm. If you do happen to encounter me playing streetside, please don't stand in front of my face and insist on engaging me in conversation. At best I am likely to be very rude, at worst I may just bite your nose off. Wait until I take a break before the idle chatter. Bless all and any who cared to read this. I will be bringing to Haiti seeds for community garden and my hoe my flute and my drum and as much love as a man can carry in his heart. PLEASE SUPPORT MY MODEST EFFORTS.
Labels:Eco Logic
Iznibz Wazir On going iz Going on Anon Anon
Wednesday, 6 January 2010
Iz nodgeworthy notes...
Ooblee Dooblee contains in glorious imperfection a sample of iz practice session.My music still searches for a context befitting. The odds against seem trillions to one at the moment. I had best keep plodding on with the building project if I ever want to get my tunes properly accommodated. Thanks to Toby for his assistence in getting a few "new" tunes posted. Beyond "Ooblee Dooblee", who knows? His server doesn't want to play ball at the moment. Neither does he judging by the silence emanating from his domain.
There was to be four or five other scraps from the notebook; I bet you're glad you were spared. Thank him. If I had my way you would hear a lot more of how my music was meant to sound.
There was to be four or five other scraps from the notebook; I bet you're glad you were spared. Thank him. If I had my way you would hear a lot more of how my music was meant to sound.
Labels:Eco Logic
Iman iz music...
Sunday, 3 January 2010
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