Tuesday, 7 September 2010

Iz change of plan...

"The best laid plans of mice and men..." We ended up doing something else.
The season's work has worn me thin. I am in recovery, repairing in the pits but far from despairing. Just played a great oobleedooblee solo to an empty kitchen. A bucket of haricots has just been put on the table for topping and tailing before they get bottled and stored .
There are many tonnes of stone to reclaim from the mounds of rubble . Much of what we have salvaged so far is enjoying temporary residence in the yard . waiting to move to the top of the field.
I am keeping my mortal coil at home till further notice. Avoiding future disaster and getting ahead of the present one.
I have permanently deleted my Facebook account. It was an unsolicited and unwanted gift that served no lasting practical purpose. More of a hinderance than an aid to personal progress.
There are no photos nor any new tunes to be posted for a while. I rarely record of late.
I have stacks of stuff I would like to write about, you'll just have to wait .
If I live long enough... maybe.
A lifetime's work still to be completed. It needs must be done. I hope you are doing yours. "Doing iz all." sez I.
Pogoing the key board doesn't carry a lot of weight. You can wait with breath abated for my Osmiroid 65 to get it's act together. It is not reverting to type. I would rather be writing by hand. Not comfy enough for that small self indulgence yet, but soon.
The doors always open if you are passing by this way, but don't be disappointed if you find me living here when you arrive.
We have enough wood cut and stacked for the next two year's fuel. You would be sure of a warm welcome... Dear imaginary friend...
I'll save it.

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