Sunday 22 May 2011

The story so far...

Almost but not quite. We have done a fair bit since this photo was taken. I was heading in this direction over forty years ago. Making up for lost time may yet prove to be a real killer. I am a long way from my destination. This is just a picture of the garden entrance to iz fabled realm. A figment of my mind perhaps. I reckon I wasted years of me good life explaining, few if any really got the point. Here's hoping that others will glean a clue or two from the images. The product will speak for itself when the jobs done. I am getting interesting results so far is the painfully joysome fact. I can't help wanting to share a slice or too. My knees are still hurting from a recent injury, sets me panicking at times that I may not reach completion before I reach the end.
I am sharing the kitchen with a garden shredder at present. It is Sunday, quiet and sunny. The traffic is too far away to be audible.It would be a real shame to spoil it by switching on the machine.
I will do some more shredding tomorrow. I have just gathered some strawberries they will go well with the kefir when Anne-Sophie gets back from work. Home's the place we make the most lasting sense together, it just doesn't feel right when she's away.
Things to do that have been put off for a while, bringing the last of the blue stone to the site, the old barn timber too. A pile of logs need bring from the woodland. Later, me back isn't jumping for joy at the prospect. Without a doubt the jobs need doing like it or not. It will all get done, no one is ignoring the work.
I'd better get on now and do a bit of something practical.Best to keep moving whilst we can.

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