Saturday, 30 May 2020

COVID19 Lockdown... Getting ahead of the viral pandemonium...

The new field shows great promise. Homeland security exemplified. Disentagling herself from the municipal election campaign Anne-Sophie catches up with the season. In many ways she has always been ahead of it. I take none of the credit for the results, as yet I haven't been there in person. I stay in my home garden. Plenty to do on all fronts. 

I will post captions later  it's best that I get it right than have to correct,or worse, deseminate false information.Meanwhile our domestic stronghold is thriving.  It illustrates a different principle of purpose and design. " Form follows function"

"Garden Gnomes need garden homes". Obviating the wanton urge to riot in protest against the pandemic lockdown.  Our knackered mud field is revived to serve our modest needs. Enough work to not get panic stricken at the prospect of  having no job.  The commercial crash is of little concern here. Granted we could use a little more cash, we can't bank on money always being easily available. The money will come eventually is my philosophical view in the meantime we maximise our existing resources. Doing everything we may that doesn't rely on spending the hard to get stuff.
 Getting started may seem like a great distance from staring blindly at screenside entertainment
The top photos show well the progress that can be achieved in short order.It's about time schools taught the city kids the means to their sustainable fulfilling terrestrial existance. It's not about jobs or money. It is all to do with life support.  It is all about home life and the preservation of our greatest treasure, peace. It's about the means by which love may flourish, the long lasting kind.

Friday, 29 May 2020

Monday, 25 May 2020


Guilty - Of Breathing

Friday, 22 May 2020

Worlds Apart...

    All heading in the same direction.We are not home yet.Creating habitat for all manner of creatures is what we are doing.  The soil level rises , reversing the "spillage" and fines lost to erosion. The raised bed (centre) is the salvaged remains of the mineral surface after centuries of service. The grass track , the walking zone was shaved down to the schist rock, It now supports a healthy grass sward. Worm cast from deep down beneath the shattered rock surface is creating a new soil . Periodically I will strip a section of path back to the stone for use on the raised beds. Testing my long held theories  is proving positive. Digging the new grass away will be hard work but the following layer will be founded on  about 3inches of sand. I would then be able to virtually roll the resulting turf like a carpet.Just finished the last of the home grown spuds. The flowers are budding on the next crop. All work on my construction projects have been at a standstill for over a year now. I couldn't be begging for help. lost all faith in family members volunteering. Now my health is returning the prospect of continuing the work on my own is more feesable.  They can buy a ticket if they just want to nosey around when I'm done.

A patchwork of progress in the new field. Bridging the economic crisis caused by the insane CoVid 19 panic. There is plenty off room for other industrious families to make the little money they have , worth more. Our investment in real renewable energy pays big dividends.  Just a few hours a week, weather permitting.
If we don't pioneer our own future we will be left behind , to be exploited for our labour  beneath the watchtower's gaze. Best we take the initiative ourselves or risk having it taken from us.
 The "No Shopping" list is growing fast. Onions, Schallots, Carrots, Beans, Potatoes, Kale, Chinese cabbage, Maize, plenty of lettuce, and more besides.
I'm off out now to cut down some grass, I have just sharpened the sickle.
I am back now, the neighbour has been revving up his tractor. My  body started to go into biological panic breathing in the diesel exhaust fumes.I managed to do a bit before I started suffocating.  I'll cook dinner instead.

I'll Deuce Amore later... I. WAZIR

Thursday, 14 May 2020

Sunday, 10 May 2020

Getting comfortable...

Kicking off his boots...

Aiming for the fireplace...

Runner Beans and haricots vert, bottle cloches on the kale...

Somewhere to sit between jobs...

It does it on it's own..

Finish with a flourish...

Sunday, 3 May 2020

Unposted from 2019, This years looks like being even better...

Highly strung schallots...


Haricots vert...

Not the whole year's harvest, just a collection from a little walk in our home field...
Exotic little cucumbers, not sure of the best way to use these.We pickled the smallest...
 Brother Eddie(Edgar) , What's the joke? Better ask him...

                 Hazels for roasting...
Herbs for drying...

                                 I couldn't ignore these...

To Toby William and Emma Grace...

 It may help to inspire a positive response. The difficulties of broaching sensitive subjects for critical analysis in the tight secretive coven of an exclusive threesome family are well understood. The fourth member, the excluded one therefore has the civil obligation of providing a number of "where to start" points. The choice is vast.
The new pages, republished or posted for the first time are only the beginning of a huge collection of correspondence to be aired in the public domain. You may respond in writing, by phone or in person, I am easy and will accomodate what ever response you prefer.
An end to your divisive games Toby and Emma, it's about time (long overdue) that you both started relating as civilised responsible adults. Time to resolve differences between yourselves. Together you may aid your mother's transition to the common reality. There is only one, how it is is, beyond all creative and destructive imaginings. A threesome cathartic excorcism is in order.
 Fact checking the truth of my written records may only be done by the forensic analysis of reams of paper documentary evidence. I did warn that I would resort to publication. Years have passed. The three seem to hang on to the notion that no one will ever find out.    Talk to your mother. She is in need of careful counselling. The kind variety.  Both of your good futures depend on full disclosure, to yourselves and to the world at large. Not least of all , an action is called for that would in someway sooth some of the hurt and harm the threesome conspiracy has caused your alienated father.
There is plenty more in the offing. A book's worth ??? Who knows, if it works , why not? Justice is what I long to see eminating from your little huddle.
To some my postings may be a boring chore. But Blogging is like Busking. I am quite used to folk ignoring or even disliking. No one forces the reading, liking is optional.Letters Sent and Letters Meant
now appear in my side bar. Dip in, I invite. Comment may be erased so keep it on point and polite if you want your reply to be represented.  I will try to post more cheering stuff next.  It's getting good here.  How's yours?

Saturday, 2 May 2020

squeaky notes and a right racket

last 3

Good practice sample, Iz flootin'