Friday 22 May 2020

Worlds Apart...

    All heading in the same direction.We are not home yet.Creating habitat for all manner of creatures is what we are doing.  The soil level rises , reversing the "spillage" and fines lost to erosion. The raised bed (centre) is the salvaged remains of the mineral surface after centuries of service. The grass track , the walking zone was shaved down to the schist rock, It now supports a healthy grass sward. Worm cast from deep down beneath the shattered rock surface is creating a new soil . Periodically I will strip a section of path back to the stone for use on the raised beds. Testing my long held theories  is proving positive. Digging the new grass away will be hard work but the following layer will be founded on  about 3inches of sand. I would then be able to virtually roll the resulting turf like a carpet.Just finished the last of the home grown spuds. The flowers are budding on the next crop. All work on my construction projects have been at a standstill for over a year now. I couldn't be begging for help. lost all faith in family members volunteering. Now my health is returning the prospect of continuing the work on my own is more feesable.  They can buy a ticket if they just want to nosey around when I'm done.

A patchwork of progress in the new field. Bridging the economic crisis caused by the insane CoVid 19 panic. There is plenty off room for other industrious families to make the little money they have , worth more. Our investment in real renewable energy pays big dividends.  Just a few hours a week, weather permitting.
If we don't pioneer our own future we will be left behind , to be exploited for our labour  beneath the watchtower's gaze. Best we take the initiative ourselves or risk having it taken from us.
 The "No Shopping" list is growing fast. Onions, Schallots, Carrots, Beans, Potatoes, Kale, Chinese cabbage, Maize, plenty of lettuce, and more besides.
I'm off out now to cut down some grass, I have just sharpened the sickle.
I am back now, the neighbour has been revving up his tractor. My  body started to go into biological panic breathing in the diesel exhaust fumes.I managed to do a bit before I started suffocating.  I'll cook dinner instead.

I'll Deuce Amore later... I. WAZIR

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