Monday, 28 February 2022

US-Funded "NGOs" Panic as Thailand Prepares New NGO Transparency Law

Shut down anyone with different opinions

Putin announces 'special operation' in Donbass | SPECIAL COVERAGE

Fake News Media Caught Lying/Spreading Misinformation on Both Sides

Hot Damn! It's The Soggy Bottom Boys! | O Brother, Where Art Thou? | TUNE

@The New Atlas & @Keybros Uncover US Imperialism in HK & Thailand 🇭🇰🇹🇭

From Ukraine to Yemen, US arms industry reaps the spoils of war

SHORT: Russia Ends Another of Ukraine's War Crimes - Fresh Water Flows A...

Ukraine seeking an immediate ceasefire in talks with Russia Monday

Media Lies About Ukraine/Russia DEBUNKED!

Negotiations begin in Belarus. EU sends weapons to Ukraine. Morning Upda...

SHORT: Is Russia "Invading" Ukraine? Or Reacting to an Ongoing Occupation?

Chris Hedges How the USA has LOST IT

Do Not Love Half Lovers – Khalil Gibran (Powerful Life Poetry)

Saturday, 26 February 2022

Operations in Ukraine Resume after 'Pause', China, India and Middle East...

Neil Oliver: We watch Russia - but we must watch what our leaders are up...

Quieter Than Silence | Full Concert Roots Revival | Mehdi Aminian & Moha...

Epicurus' Quotes which are better to be known when young to not Regret i...

Pfizer Vaccine Becomes DNA in Liver Cells. (In-vitro Swedish Study)

Tootin' for Putin... I. Wazir

The EU Does Not Help Ukraine, So We Force Them To Buy Overpriced LNG!

What's Behind the US Conflict with Russia (& also China)

Ukraine, Russia, EU, Zelensky, USD and SWIFT (Live)

Biden is beating the war drums while working people suffer and an opioid...

Chris Hedges | Our SICK Society 🤮

Leak Shows Officers LAUGHING About Using Brutal Force; Hackers Breach Fr...

Richard D. Wolff Lecture on Worker Coops: Theory and Practice of 21st Ce...

Zelensky Complains West Betrayed Ukraine, Proposes Negotiations on Neutr...

Friday, 25 February 2022

Thursday, 24 February 2022

VIP | The Truth About Ukraine with Ben Norton

Edwin Starr - War (What is it good for) + Lycris HQ!!


Why Trudeau Revoked the Emergencies Act - Canadian Bank Run? - Freedom C...

rod mckuen - soldiers who want to be heroes.wmv

The Pogues - The band played waltzing matilda

The Problem of being Wealthy - Jordan Peterson

Banishment from the Financial System: the War on Dissent

"Most People Have No Idea What's Coming" | Jordan Peterson's Last WARNING

Russia, Ukraine & Donbass (Live)

Donbass or all the way to Dnieper? Quick Update 3

Soup Aziz... Dip your bread...I. Wazir

Hundreds Of Record Cold Temps - Record Snow Into March - Temperature Fra...

Donbass military operation. Quick Morning Update 1

Ukraine vs. Russia WAR? (NATO - USA - CANADA - CHINA Narratives at play)...

Greg Kelly: We're no longer the good guys

Tucker: These are the realities that actually matter

"They Are Manipulating & Brain-Washing Us " Jordan Peterson

The Big Lie - How to Enslave the World

Tuesday, 22 February 2022

It Begins

Biden’s Ukraine policy has doomed the EU to years of decline and suffering

‘America is Lying as Easily as it Breathes’-Russian Duma Committee Deput...

Putin: Are Ukrainians Aware That Ukraine Is Reduced To American Colony K...

Dr John Campbell - You Need To Know This Now

Russia recognizes Donbas w/Donetsk-based Russell Bentley

Putin recognises Donbass Republics. Biden & EU incompetence exposed

Simple Song of Freedom (Live at Woodstock - 8/15/69)

Freedom Convoy Griffters / James Topp Update #irnieracingNews Feb.21, 2022

Richie Havens - I Can't Make It Anymore (Live at Woodstock)

History of Russia (PARTS 1-5) - Rurik to Revolution

BREAKING! Putin: Communists Created Modern Ukraine & Pushed Russian Donb...

RICHIE HAVENS - "Fire and Rain"

Richie Havens - Helplessly Hoping


Adam Curry on Why "Food Intelligence" Will Become Important

Tuesday, 15 February 2022

Hospital Sues At-Will Workers for Getting Better Jobs

Invasion Hoax Disintegrates as Scholz Meets Putin, Russia Winds Up Belar...

"It's Already Too Late, Things Are Getting Serious" | Elon Musk (2022)

Still stranded on the marginalised fringe...

Tucker: Trudeau has declared Canada a dictatorship

ARTHRITIS: Is Your Diet Causing It? [Or Making It Worse?]

'This is Not How Putin Would Invade'- Director-General of the Russian In...

White House warns of possible supply disruptions

Have faith Ukraine...

Uncle Vladimir loves you.Keep your cool and don't get bullied into pre emptive aggression. President Putin's steadfast well articulated statement, there has never been plans to invade. Biden's fantasising and sabre rattling is distractive. Just look how many corrupt well placed carpet baggers are deserting Ukraine right now, just in case the shit really hits the fan. Triggered by Biden's signalling no doubt... The Rats are leaving, high placed and influential.Putin cares. The border exercise is just that . You might even call it fun.You wanted to play at soldiers, be careful what you wish for.Stay calm, live long... I. Wazir 

Monday, 14 February 2022

Neil Oliver: World leaders are getting increasingly desperate over freed...

'He has to go': Trudeau's government has 'massively overreached'

News from the Fabled Realm.

The political climate seems to have heated up weatherwise however it is becoming colder.  Preparing for the coming Spring means regenerating my turgid winter condition to be fit enough to cope with the manual work. I am starting from the ground up. Comfortable footware,learning to walk with happy feet once more. Blessed they are to have landed a pair of size 14 Clarks Wallabees. The feet have started transmitting the benefits of their good fortune to the rest of my body. I have just taken delivery of a dojo mat. Primal ground exercise  to realigne hips and spine. Posture is compressed , spine sticks out of my back like a stegasaurus.  Remedial yoga , kalisthenics.  Needs must that I strengthen my core and improve stamina. My essential fat is burned away in work increasing cold shrivels muscle tissue. Looks like a complete rebuild is in order. Drinking Meadowseet tisane. Anti inflamatory and mild analgesic.  It will help thin the blood. I dumped the statins as I found Pfizers grubby stamp on the acompanying literature. They cure nothing. Their are many organic alternatives to Big Pharma's Cash cow solution. I don't need to buy it from them. We can grow the medicine we may need ,at home. I'm still stoically unvaxed, will remain so.  My natural aquired immunity serves well enough. It's the Co Morbidity factor that needs attending to most. The knocks and bumps, the wear and tear of a journeymans working life, plus the permanent damage resultant from physical attack.  Atmospheric polution still continues to take its toll. They change the flavour over the years. I was brought up in a green snot smog zone, in the sixties. In Armthorpe, a small cancer cluster in the  thrall of Markham Main Colliery in the West Riding of Yorkshire. I left the sulphurous air behind, discovering many other toxic and pathogenic substances now occupy the space the clean Air Act left behind. Guess who introduced the Bill,... Robert Maxwell, aren't you grateful?  Now we have pesticides herbicides and fungicides,, not so easily noticed since the coal smoke era. You can't escape the damage , it is inevitable that the poison will take it's toll. Don't hold your breath. The garden is in a state of glorious neglect at present. There's a cold wind blowing, lashing rain and intermittant sunshine. There's little getting warmer.I'll put another log in the stove. There are no more pictures of current garden progress as I am still without a camera. Lets hope I have something positive to show by then. Plans afoot for cultivation and construction. You'll get to see it once it's happened. Tired of talking of it,(who listens?) I would rather show.I will keep posting my ragged arsed melodies on You Tube as well as my blog.... Sometimes  I wonder why I do it. At times it is a great distraction from arthritic finger joints. "fists full of fire". Music brings me some pain relief, maybe the controlled breathing is aiding my forebearance. I have heard It can hurt more if I stop breathing. I'll manage with the pains that I got, I'll keep tootling my flute. It works for me.
Hello to you all you insular lot. What are you up to? I'm guessing you are all well enough to nosey around here. You've nothing to fear from saying hello to strangers sometimes. It's not a trap. Bon Couage... I.Wazir

Climate change has been politicized by the left: Backer

Don’t do it

Senator Blackburn: Durham Filing Shows Just How Desperate The Clinton Ca...

The forgotten people of COVID: US overdose deaths break all records

Leftist Host Tries To OUTSMART Rand Paul, Gets Put In Her Place

Video: Journalist Hammers State Department Spokesman Over Russian Lies

Wednesday, 9 February 2022

Sunday, 6 February 2022

The Mother of All Talkshows with George Galloway - Episode 138

Boris Johnson goes to Kiev, calls Putins

Cosmogenic Radionuclides Reveal An Extreme Solar Storm 9125 years BP - T...

4 Myths About the Thai Monarchy Spread by US-Funded Protest Leaders

Whoopi Goldberg... Just another Karen.

 Fluffy cartoon style explanations of the holocaust,(got to keep it sounding nice, for the sake of the children). At twelve years old we were encouraged,(those of us into the habit of reading), to look at two books, "Scourge of the Swastika", and "Knights of Bushido",  Encouraged to face the often cruel realities of life fearlessly. How else may we overcome the evils of the world. Not by hiding or running away nor by masquerading behind a false persona. Whoopi Goldberg says much  but means little. Well placed as a bored middle class distraction. ...Flicking through a big book recently, I came upon the phrase,"beware of false jews". Revelations, a warning to all I would say. Corporate placemen, manipulators confusionists influencers and trend indicators, the flying monkies and useful idiots of their faceless paymasters' mysterious cause. The ability to remain in denial and lie about incontravertable commonly  evident facts has become possibly the highest paying life skill one may aquire. Subscription to a view, doesn't make it true.. Do twelve year olds in America get to read transcripts of the Nuremberg trials. Any of them ever heard of John Betjamin?  Get off screen Whoopi and become a better Karen. She's got a lot to learn...

I. Wazir.

China's New Maglev, High Speed Rail, & What it Means for Belt & Road Par...

Saturday, 5 February 2022

Friday, 4 February 2022

Announcement... The New "F" variant is no more.

 In fact it's totally F***ed, crushed underfoot in a moment of blind carelessness.  Transfering my attentions to my high G bansuri. In the meantime , some inspirational Bach. I. Wazir

The Flute in the Music of Bach

Fields of Gold Episode 4

Talking Heads - Once in a Lifetime (Official Video)

Biden Beating War Drums. When All Else Fails, They Take You To War

This Will Not End Well

The REAL Reason We Need Magnesium

Fields of Gold Episode 3