Monday 14 February 2022

News from the Fabled Realm.

The political climate seems to have heated up weatherwise however it is becoming colder.  Preparing for the coming Spring means regenerating my turgid winter condition to be fit enough to cope with the manual work. I am starting from the ground up. Comfortable footware,learning to walk with happy feet once more. Blessed they are to have landed a pair of size 14 Clarks Wallabees. The feet have started transmitting the benefits of their good fortune to the rest of my body. I have just taken delivery of a dojo mat. Primal ground exercise  to realigne hips and spine. Posture is compressed , spine sticks out of my back like a stegasaurus.  Remedial yoga , kalisthenics.  Needs must that I strengthen my core and improve stamina. My essential fat is burned away in work increasing cold shrivels muscle tissue. Looks like a complete rebuild is in order. Drinking Meadowseet tisane. Anti inflamatory and mild analgesic.  It will help thin the blood. I dumped the statins as I found Pfizers grubby stamp on the acompanying literature. They cure nothing. Their are many organic alternatives to Big Pharma's Cash cow solution. I don't need to buy it from them. We can grow the medicine we may need ,at home. I'm still stoically unvaxed, will remain so.  My natural aquired immunity serves well enough. It's the Co Morbidity factor that needs attending to most. The knocks and bumps, the wear and tear of a journeymans working life, plus the permanent damage resultant from physical attack.  Atmospheric polution still continues to take its toll. They change the flavour over the years. I was brought up in a green snot smog zone, in the sixties. In Armthorpe, a small cancer cluster in the  thrall of Markham Main Colliery in the West Riding of Yorkshire. I left the sulphurous air behind, discovering many other toxic and pathogenic substances now occupy the space the clean Air Act left behind. Guess who introduced the Bill,... Robert Maxwell, aren't you grateful?  Now we have pesticides herbicides and fungicides,, not so easily noticed since the coal smoke era. You can't escape the damage , it is inevitable that the poison will take it's toll. Don't hold your breath. The garden is in a state of glorious neglect at present. There's a cold wind blowing, lashing rain and intermittant sunshine. There's little getting warmer.I'll put another log in the stove. There are no more pictures of current garden progress as I am still without a camera. Lets hope I have something positive to show by then. Plans afoot for cultivation and construction. You'll get to see it once it's happened. Tired of talking of it,(who listens?) I would rather show.I will keep posting my ragged arsed melodies on You Tube as well as my blog.... Sometimes  I wonder why I do it. At times it is a great distraction from arthritic finger joints. "fists full of fire". Music brings me some pain relief, maybe the controlled breathing is aiding my forebearance. I have heard It can hurt more if I stop breathing. I'll manage with the pains that I got, I'll keep tootling my flute. It works for me.
Hello to you all you insular lot. What are you up to? I'm guessing you are all well enough to nosey around here. You've nothing to fear from saying hello to strangers sometimes. It's not a trap. Bon Couage... I.Wazir

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