Sunday, 17 July 2022


 Pathogenic commercial compromise. Local prosperity reliant on Big Pharma's toxic additives, herbicides, fungicide, N.P.K. fertilisers and pesticides. Debt ridden farms grateful for the subsidised assistance and encouragement into cash dependancy,Avoidance of transitionary learning towards a more durable local agrarian economy but fearing the economic ravages of possible centralised government plans for a Draconian reset, hang on desperately to their negative equity. "Better the Devil we know","Let's hope the muddle sorts itself out, before we are all reposessed, bancrupt or nationalised..!"The land has become a drug dependant junky. The image view from Le Breil is I don't doubt one which many farmers worldwide would be happyto have  outside their door.Sad to say, it's an unsustainable economic and ecologic reality. The Law of Diminishing returns...Plus Tax.

 Pretty to look at though, innit?
We won't be trusting our homeland food security to be mismanaged  by government administration.Handing one's life support to an outside body, beyond one's personal control is fraught with greater risk to health and domestic economy. Gradually repairing an over exploited soil. Little of the mineral fines remained over use of tractor caused much to be  washed away, building a micro "grow zone", permaculture. Hope springing forth from the marginal fringe. We are happier if we avoid participatng in the popular "crisis culture", cultivating our own generic failsafe response at home where the investment of our labour and learning, will pay the greatest sustainable long term dividend.

Chayot, missile like, soars above the runner beans, , flowers and bulbous hanging fruit soon to appear.

Mullein towering skyward.Newly planted leeks, mulched with hay and straw. Minimising moisture loss and protecting roots from exess heat  The tops of the leeks are cut off to reduce transpiration whilst the roots are establishing.


Nearly ready...

Garlic flower and Beans galore.

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