Where the "future" is, may not be obvious. We must break free of the popular consensus,subscribing to existent mass movement would ensure that our precious resources would for the most part be wasted. Each of us must be brave enough to invest in our own inspired vision.The common pool of the popular consensus appears to be ring fenced.Within, a dog eat dog competitive society, outside a chance to establish a humane positive and equitable civilization. Living without money may not seem like a comfortable option,living better on less might make progress feel a little more palatable.
It is too expensive to live a poor mans life in U.K. without a patch of dirt I may feel at home in. I have been told that my vision of a sustainable and fulfilling way of life is ,
"Primitivist hippy shite", I am a pioneer . I would advise,not to prejudge the results,the basic head work is done, Fifty seven years of research and journeying, with not a little work and hardship has brought me to a place where I feel I may unpack my bags at last.I don't mean my physical luggage. I refer to ideas , intelligence, inspired solutions to problems I have been forced to rub my nose in. My worldly, practical experience not being an idle man is beyond the grasp of moribund administrative functionaries. Not for sale nor hire. I have withdrawn all effective service from my former homeland, It makes no room for real progress. Consumer Lifestyle appears to be the popular drug of choice.Commercial promotion obstructs and distracts from the choiceless generic option. Attempting to modestly establish my own self reliant homespun civilization again in U.K. would be exposing myself to unacceptable risk and discomfort. The greatest hazard at present is the insurgence of a mutated form of unreconstructed prewar cloth cap liberalism. Chamberlainian legal assistance,without care of consequence or implications in overview, to AmeriCon republicanism.A by proxy incitement to hatred,under the spurious cover of the class struggle.
2007 to2008 will be our year zero. 'Why wait for bloody revolution ', says I . Having been forced to hit the ground running many times moved on by circumstantial interference beyond control,the route to my own permaculture is at last emerging in the wake of the juggernaut that is the petrol driven profit motivated all consuming modernism. The war machine.
My small field of interest has become the beginning of the future of the world to me.
Regenerating the once enslaved earth,to resume dominion with respect that serves both man and planet mutually,may seem like a grandiose obsession. It ought to be considered jointly,our collective duty of care and severally, our individual personal responsibility the incidental spin off being that we all get a chance, regardless of disposable income to live 'happy ever after', sustainable wholesome lives, one each at least.
Following in the wheel ruts of the slaver merchant planter's master model, there are more humane and productive patterns of human endeavor, straight line prairie field management systems, evolved from the age of oppression will not serve to repair the rift between our life sustaining planet and the industrially denatured, nationally programmed worker population.
The blog is to present a retrospective view , of the journey towards our progressive renaissance. Be however ,well warned,words can be misleading, and pictures at best show only a myopic one eyed view. Little to indicate how heavy is a stone,or how far a man can throw some twenty tonnes of soil. We move the Earth towards it's resurrection.What may be gleaned out here on the edge of the internet Oblivion zone is meagre ration , the real work explodes all myths, debunks all over spun propaganda and deflates and demotes the high table adviser. The real work elevates the man to a state of grace with the immediate environment.
I'm told that the universe has eleven dimensions, academic theorists are restricted by
number. The real work in support of the one real life is not academic.
Last years efforts have been chronicled in a series of photos. there will be video and audio clips to come. What has been achieved in one year is a measure of potential progress accessible to most working people acting cooperatively towards each others success.Is Utopia achievable? It's worth aiming for. We are told that we are living in the shadow of Armageddon,That class war is inevitable. We are informed that if we are to be empowered we must be prepared to make ultimate sacrifices. Martyrdom is not a precondition of successful living.Man is modestly heroic by nature. Inspired by love there is no limit to what may be achieved. I for one confirm the living hope. In recognising the value of every stick and stone that lays across my path I may clear a way forward,with resource to spare in great abundance.
Reduced by virtual slavery in service to family and community,I escaped with the support of a stout stick, unable to stand upright and depleted from overwork by twenty
seven kilos of my once industrious body.No one noticed and no one cared. I left the old stick by the road a long time ago,managing to carry my lifetimes worth of working experience with a little more dignity now. The mortal coil is duly retempered in the cause of civilized progress, if you want to eat you'll leave your guns outside, your boots by the door and you'll wash your hands the same as everyone else. No hearts and minds will be won by obstructing the poor by martial force from feeding themselves.Leave the door on the hinges if you want to enjoy the hospitable comfort of our home. We are not neutral nor are we user friendly.If you don't come in peace don't come at all.
It would cost me twelve pounds a week in lettuce alone in the Blighted Isle. My most recent visit gave me no cause for hope.As an unwaged man I may enjoy salad to capacity now by a little diligent work,every day the year round, without undue profit taken from my already under strength body. we are still eating spuds from last year's harvest awaiting this years promising crop.Zero food miles and a full time dedication to the detail of our life support system ensures that regardless of fuel crisis,we will always be able to feed our family without capitalism taking it's profiteering bite first,sustainable progress on that front at least is assured in a most uncertain global climate. an added bonus, I seem to be developing a a young mans body, returning strength and stamina compensate for the pains endured by work. I have never been introduced to a specifically British way of sustainable living , since the austerity years of the fifties and early sixties toxic pleasures have popularly taken precedent over wholesome traditional practice.I'll stick with the longer lasting healthy, choiceless option.
I acknowledge with gratitude the benign guidance of historic icons, Tom Paine, Mahatma Gandhi ,Martin Luther King and William Morris. Whether an absolute overseeing God exists or not, I give thanks for the divine gift of a natural birth, by the deliberate design of the late Bill and Hilde Godden, my parents.