Tomorrow we are visiting André, a senior man of some seventy odd years. He heard about our home building project and offered us a derelict wall,much of which is collapsed and buried beneath brambles. A large part of the wall is still standing but the mortar is hungry and poor through lack of pointing and maintainence. The stones are dark purple schist,well weathered and craggy, they will serve well as a retaining wall in the front of the garden by the road. the last couple of days I have spent rearranging the mixed rubble in the yard to accommodate the new arrivals. The man's garden is in need of a tidy up , I am sure that once Anne-Sophie and I have finished,several days work in all,he will be pleased and refreshed by the results.I am sure too that we will be thoroughly exhausted by the end of our labours.I am having an easy day today An hour or so was spent digging a soakaway and filling it with small stones. It is a dog tooth pattern two feet deep cut well into the schist layer. The deluge that blows off the neighbour's barn has been sweeping the surface of the ground, eroding the topsoil, washing out the nutrients. The soakaway will direct the water below the surface towards a bank of golden osier, a salix. The seasonally waterlogged ground has given a good permanent home to the osier, it thrives , first seasons leaves just appearing, it was only planted last summer as small stick cuttings, some of the plants are already six feet tall. We inted to regularly crop the branches for use as a building material and for basketry.
Today is a red letter day. For over a year Jean Gerard has steadfastly refused of give me a "Bon jour" in spite of my greeting him many times without a civil reply. Today he volunteered a "Bonjour", unprompted and most unexpected,I wished him likewise in reply, perhaps what ever has been ailing him is at long last beginning to heal,I hope so.
I'll go out and do a bit now, it is a beautiful spring day, it would be a shame to waste it staring at the screen.
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Environment Community Conference Centre
Raven`s Ait Island
Social Regeneration project
Permaculture/landscape architecture
Ecological training
Community facilities
With the success of the last five weeks, it is clear there is a serious demand for sustainable action within our local communities. Here is our opportunity to redefine our way of living and educate ourselves; opportunities to unite on common ground with the intention to build a bridge between nature and the modern environment.
How to express in words the importance of our time? We feel, simply that this island is the best opportunity we have to express and act upon the constantly changing global environment.
We have now created the infrastructure for this community to thrive, and welcome you to the opening night on Saturday, where we will uncover workshops, as well as on the night entertainments exploring performance art, films, music, delicious food, and open debates regarding social enterprise and environmental solutions.
Upcoming Events:This Easter weekend Sat 11th and Sun 12th we are having a Spring launch event with guided tours picnics on the lawn, yoga, cinema, kids games, Easter egg hunt, bicycle powered sounds, workshops, talks, skill-sharing, drama and theatre.Sunday at 4pm we will host a debate on the future of the environment to which we are inviting many eminent speakers and environment groups. There is an on-going discussion here “What are the SOLUTIONS to the environmentally critical situation we and our children face? And, how do we implement them locally and globally?”
Monday 13th Sacred songs of the world singing circle 7pm.
Sustainable Culture
Alternative healing
Community interaction
Open workshops
Skill sharing
Transitions town talks
Sean Avalon
Bike 12V Revolution
Music Jam
Garden Tea party
Cinema, Environmental project
Guided tours, talks, activities and workshops
Mondays – Ravens Ait Island Project Meeting – 7pm
Tuesdays – Music Jam – 6pm to 10pm
Wednesdays – Community Talking Circle – 8pm
Saturdays – Yoga 11.30 am
Eco Cinema – 7pm
Sundays – Picnic 2pm in the garden
More to be announced soon, we are working on a full programme of talks, lectures, classes and workshops. For April and May.
We are receiving between 150 - 200 visitors each weekend.
Future Events:
Healing Fair Sat/Sun 18th/19th April
Alternative Media Conference 1st/2nd/3rd May
Earth Circus Cabaret Theatre and Circus Event Sat 9th May
Breton Dance Masquerade Ball on Sat 16th May.
If you are interested in seeing and using this space please call the Island
Website: www.ravensait.org.uk
Email: saveravensait@googlemail.com
Facebook: Ravensait; group “Raven`s Ait”
Phone or text: Rick 07791042078
Camilla 07900800055
Phoenix 07769791387
Reception on 0208 399 7475 during office hours of 9am to 5pm
We have occupied what is meant to be common land. The island is called Ravens Ait in Surbiton. We are connecting with groups such as your own and networking on a global scale to turn this into a self sustainable, off the grid environmental community. Feel free to come and visit us at any point. All help is required in both media, networking as well as workshops.
Check out our site, and we look forward to hearing from you about future involvements.
Charlie Green
Save Ravens Ait management
Check the links:
Go on googlearth
thanks Dad
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