Saturday, 27 June 2009

Art o' yer box...

Mike Rodino,aka Questingguitar13 put a link on the side bar of a Utube posting.Toby Godden,are you in?I would rather not imagine what significance that may have. Your deluded game playing , well meant perhaps, has had a most destructive effect on my life so far.I searched around for something akin to a clue as to your present circumstance. I found the picture of the hand, I found the monochrome video posting. I found a waste of space re:13 islingtons 13books, Read some of the exchanges between you and you and others and you. Perhaps between other yous and you or so it might seem. I found a pile of servers not found,I guess you had abandoned through lack of cash. Guessing is only that who's to say what's true. I have written miles of stuff relating to my perception of your activity.It will surface eventually.I am not secretive, nor do I attempt to be mysterious. My feeble efforts to build a home may be the object of amusement, an entertainment to some, I am making material progress. I will have my workshop eventually.It will evolve slowly with each turn of the seasons. Anne -Sophie and I will be constructing the inner circle of the round house in about a week's time, she has a holiday from her caring work. I haven't been in the best of physical health for a solo heroic performance, I'm most grateful for her dedicated assistance.She is busy preparing a batch of cherry jam at the moment.
My attempt to improve my health in Ireland and later in U.K. were most disappointing, the result of shortfalls in the health services of both respective countries. A window of opportunity was broken open to fix whatever is curable, before it is too late. The suspected tumour was investigated Crone's disease was diagnosed that theory has now been abandoned as evidence of amoeba has been found . I am grateful for the efficiency and speed of service here.I wont need surgery thank god, waterborne parasites probably picked up in India appear to be the cause of my immediate debility.It is reassuring to know that my strength and energy will return with the recovery of my damaged liver. Much heavy work to do before I go. I look forward with enthusiasm. There is still an uphill climb ahead,the plateau of our sustainable existence however is in sight we can then concentrate with a will on projects further afield.The jam is set in jars now and we have already devoured some of the cherry clafouti , Delicious.
The onions are swelling nicely. This week we will be shelling more broad beans for the freezer, sowing carrots and planting more leeks. Boring aren't I?
Happy Birthday if I don't see you.
P.S.Was it your intention to project the image that you are anorexic?The message of your medium is of doubtful worth if it is seen to be coming from an unhealthy source.
Get a grip scribbler, you are failing in your duty of care to yourself.
I will post more soon.Wash your feet,get some sleep.

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