Wednesday, 8 July 2009

The friend of my friend...

...may be my enemy!
I am hardly going to trust responding to suggestions on Facebook to add as friend. What's to stop any of the named strangers from making contact directly via email or via comment on my blog toward a personal introduction. there's only one name out of twentyseven that has actually chanced their arm in a personal meeting. I have a face, a voice and an attitude that according to a serving magistrate in xenophobic U.K. plc., was grounds for a criminal conviction regardless of conduct or rights. I don't live in U.K. I have a safe haven in France, marrying my loyal friend and companion of twelve years standing, she being the only person I would dare to trust to calling "friend", easily counted on the finger of one hand.
I have been told I am difficult to live with. Harder still to live with would be the moral philosophical principles which have supported and nourished me for the greater part of my life.Youth takes a big risk fishing for friendship in the Oblivion Zone. I might bite, be warned.I can be a highly critical old giffer at times. Needs be,sez I.
I am English speaking but begin to doubt that I share a common definition. What do you mean by friend?Dont expect that I will be soliciting any contact with suggested names on the list. Whoever you all are , would be welcome to venture forward, nearer at least to my preferred traditional definition of friendship. Real time real life,loyalty and permanent commitment to common cause is a prerequisite.

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