Monday 31 January 2011

Keeping up with a moving landscape...

Several tonnes moved uphill today. Organising themselves into neat piles along the path to their destinations end and the journeyman's rest.No pictures of today, batteries died at the strategic moment. I'm still standing. Don't expect to see any of the images posted if you turn up here. Things are moving quite fast of late. Tomorrow can shift a load of blue flags and a half tonne of cobble sized rocks. Four or five barrows of schist and sand will be wheeled down to the front yard to line the trough which later will be filled with good soil. Preparation for building the retaining wall alongside Jean-Gerard's home, amounts mainly of psyching myself up to cope with an intense bit of heavy digging. Once I get it started I wont be able to stop until some stone has replaced the soil. Me body is numb weary from today's aerobic excesses.Most of the intelligence gained whilst working isn't expressable vocally. Believe me, I would if I could. Explaining the vision that inspires the on going iz easier. I will save it till the uphill is done.

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