The slackness and complacency regarding the continual destruction of the land, our common heritage, gets a blind eye turned towards it , as the soil spews like so much chocolate sauce into the ditches. A great wonder to me that all the members of the marie aren't carrying white sticks.
A great deal of agitating is in order. Embarrassment for some, deep humiliation for some caring traditional families who's progeny now ignore the basic conciegerie, the exercise of duty of care. quick profits being put before the preservation of future generations rural economy and the common amenity for all living creatures.
Excuses abound, they are just that, easily blown out of the water. Speaking of water. The damage caused by the tractor driven ignorance, keeping the local cowboys in beer money once the heavy rain and springtime thaws have taken their toll will cause many thousands of tonnes of mineral and topsoil fines to be scoured away then dumped somewhere downstream, at the expense of some other communes ecology and local economy. Them az duz the naughty doo dooz iz gonna have the doo dooz rubbed in their noses. It is the least we can do, for now, a little more by each season passing.
The only ones in pocket are the farmers and their drivers who dip their bread in Euro funds without responsible care. The damage can and should be avoided.
Who pays for the harm that is done and who pays for the repair, if repair is possible. Everyone from the lowliest landless labourer to the most privileged and exhaulted land owner. Common peasant or bourgoisie.It comes out of the taxes.
Representaions will be made to the local electorate few are wholly awakened to the magnitude of the problem.Association will be formed to give weight to the voice of dissent against the on going neglect.Our back up may have to be the national and the European auditors. Claw backs and penalty for those who deliberately evade their moral and legal obligation.We have many photographs illustrating the results of poor practice, some video footage. Official letter of complaint has been received by the mayor.Attention is being drawn to many other interrelated issues.
Anne-Sophie has a blog expressing the relevant concerns,