Theories abound. Theories don't pull much weight. We don't go out much. It was refreshing to do a little revision. This place will undoubtably be a site of pilgrimage for generations to come. I don't feel too diminished in awe of the engineers of former times. It wasn't the product of just one mans effort. Content I am with the singular result of my own personal journey. We are still on the look out for as many big pebbles as we can find. We will shift them into place by magic if necessary in the event that the application of scientific principles should fail us.Doing the do, the old fashioned way without complex thinking or vaccuous words obstructing the progress.Pointless spilling thcontents of the grail all over the internet, the minor revelations on one's own personal journey are too hard earned to be wasted on coffee table banter. The work is far from academic as it is possible to be. Folk have implied crudely that I must be crazy, perhaps suffering from psychiatric delusions to be attempting to build the journeymans rest. No matter, even if I don't complete the work I have presently in hand. My home site will be a perfect venue from which to impart the benefit of the working experience to date.Pleasant enough prospect for my last mortal days.I have a while and a bit with many miles of grunting under the pressure of the stone burden before that time comes. If you want to gain a practical clue as to what may be involved
build one of your own, or lend a voluntary hand in assistance to someone who is actively engaged in neolithic construction.Let it remain a mystery to all those not prepared to do the do themselves. The knowledge gained through practical experience is simple, none vocal.
We are heading forward in every direction at once. Expanding and improving ever closer to the fabled realm by each passing season. More later.
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