Sunday, 26 February 2012

The secret of eternal life...

It's the kind of title that is sure to lure a few to explore further. I won't worry if the majority end up feeling cheated , Knowing isn't a screen side phenomena.
We are warming up . Anne-So has just put the supports up for peas and beans. I will be bringing more flat stones to the yard . I am not rushing. It may be sunny but the stones are cold , damp and heavy. Viewed from the north side the yard project looks like little else than a pile of rubble. . It is only when the work is viewed by the light of full moon that the true form is obvious to the minds eye. Photographing in the moonlight hasn't proved possible. If someone out there could clue me in as to how to do it I would be most grateful. Folk'd not see much from the one eyed images whether day or night photos. I get virtually no comments good or bad in real life. There's me trying to make a point and there's "them" trying not to notice. It would be nice if I got some interested informed feedback once in a while. The only memorable comment so far came from Captain Denis, "You're crazy", is wot. Crazy enough to try I reckon, it isn't a clinical definition. I like my work, I love the life. I can afford to take my time and mek that good stuff last.
Crazy or not I am glad to be here. This week will see most of the "stone sketch " of the steps . Most of the structure is just piled up dry, without mortar. It will all get stuck down when the donkey work of lugging appropriate calibre rocks to where they will be permanent fixtures. The cement mixer is still in pristine condition, unused. This spring will see it getting the thrashing it was designed to take.
I hear there's a million unemployed youth in U.K., the number is growing fast. At sixty I may only rely on me own good knackered self to do the do in my domain. I would be glad to give youth a chance to get started. I was infected by that nasty virus once before. I will not be volunteering to bail anyone out this time round. Our marriage struggles forward on a bare minimum of cash. No social security, no promise of a pension.My altruism during Thatcher's years in office didn't pay off. Wholly cheated and robbed is all I got for my pains. It's hoped that someone would get the point o' me before terminal decline of European economy sets in. At present it looks like it is on the road to rigor mortis. A point of view is hardly going to breath new life into the corpse. "Best not give your bread to the dead," sez I. Opinion doesn't weigh heavy, popular consensus couldn't move the smallest rock . What did folk say in my youth? "Fine words butter no parsnips." Popular opinion can become consensus psychosis if left unchallenged. Be warned Internaughts, you are easily bamboozled by Klevva speak.
Today is gloriously sunny. I have done too much of this pogoing today. We are ahead of the Spring. Anne-Sophie has sown tomato seeds , early peas are in the ground. The garlic is planted. The broad bean seeds were discovered to have bean weavel, identifiable by a tiny hole in the skin of the seed. There' s a pile of stuff that I could write about what's ado in the Izdom of Iz.
The stone journey continues. I will refer to that in passing, as a casual allusion. Photos of the rocky progress will have to serve. I will leave you with that for now. Doings need to be done.
I nearly forgot...the secret of eternal life??? Keep moving, iz all.

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