Wednesday, 29 March 2017

 Pictures of Spring,might encourage the long range doomsters towards a more positive immediate outlook.

It's good to get outside...

                                         Crazy Mirabelle plum blossom...



Second sowing of carrots and beetroot.

Sweet Chestnut waits for grafting.

Fleece protection for the carrots.

It's time for tea, head for home.

All's well enough in Iz garden, better by every passing season.

Saturday, 25 March 2017

Friday, 24 March 2017

The "Protest Movement" isn't going anywhere...

 As word descriptions go, it fails. Compare it to "Civil Rights Movement" or the French word, "Manifestation".
Screaming temper tantrums get poor results in most well parented households.  Some parents will try to bribe children into "good" behaviour, a crude example being, "be good and I will give you sweeties." A child soon learns, adopting the game plan of the parent's psychology. A strategy to win in the familiar game will often evolve/ mutate/ develop, into  "Give me sweeties or I wont be good."
Bad habits learned at home may reach impasse or stalemate within the family. The child broods and builds on resentment in the belief that parental decision and policies, is/ are unjust."It's not fair", "you never listen to me". Child bullies are common. What doesn't work at home may be practiced in the playground or on the street. In some households the child may become the dominant personality, playing on a parents insecurity. "Give me, or I wont love you". The fear of being hated by ones children, may undermine benign parental authority. The parent loses by the rules of it's own game.
The "Anti-protest" doesn't work. That fact should have been learned in childhood.
 "I/we have rights, it's a free country." Kids hear the words learning to articulate the phrases at an early age.  Naive interpretation of "grown up's" language may pose a threat to a
 child's future.
Quite right, we have rights. Natural and positive. How many take the time to explain what that implies. Blocking our common progress and having a "dicky fit" "I'll thkweem an thkweem, till I thwow up, if I don't get my way", hardly makes sense at any level. Behaving badly gains no kudos in any moral quarter.
Witnessing the American  progress blocker, I have been thoroughly disgusted by the mindless mob protests that endear no one to the various espoused causes. Seemingly moral causes undermined by inappropriate slogan chanting.  No rational discussion nor reasoned argument... No room nor time in the game for that.  If they tried that at home they likely would be thrown out with the unsorted rubbish. Hysteria is recognisably a mental illness. "just a phase they go through", some would say. So busy in the ineffable careering to notice their own disfunction. Paid agitators and organisers appear to want the distractive  chaos. One wonders whose cause they truly serve. The "Millennial Malady" I call it.
The "Protest Movement" is an easily manipulated organism. Some folk have opted to be professionals, mercenaries. The phrase "rebels without a cause" comes to mind. Rabble rousing as it was called, amounts to "If I don't get my way, I'll get my gang and  then you will be sorry."
Failed cupboard love may mutate into emotional terrorism at home, from there evolving without contraint into domestic terrorism.
When you back the favourite, the return on your gamble is very small.  Even if it had won the result would have had such dire consequences globally, winning would have been a pyrric victory.  The obviousness of the rigged campaign with MSM and populist propaganda was observable on the World wide web.  They should have backed the outsider. A greater return with less risk, an affordable punt.  Pointless to protest. Their horse lost.
 For a cause to win it must have a cohesive civil strategy to even get a fair hearing. In our common interest so to create one.
From my distant view an Englishman living in the French Republic I see "Protest Movement" sabotaging legitimate manifestation.
"Black Block", out for a bundle. in the face moronic incitement to violence  Pointing the finger of blame at everyone except them selves for their discontent.
 What is shown on the media , I make no distinction between mainstream or alternative,  appears to be staged happenings to attract photo opportunities.  The Instagram Selfie  generation. Celebrating the manifest idiocy of their generational era. "Truthers" I laugh. Truth is given at conception. One may discover it as one grows older. We are introduced to the idea by our guardians. Sad that there is little distinction between fact and truth.  The available facts may often not amount to a hill of beans. Pile them up and they just slump back down again. It doesn't take much agitation to scatter. In the search for truth, a judge may dismiss a case for lack of evident facts, without substantive detail alluding to what one perceives to be truth  a case may not be fairly assessed. Reported fact singular may not illustrate by logic what is true. Unreported fact is no less real. Context is all.

Sunday, 19 March 2017

No visible accessible route to reinstating my audio posts. It feels like sabotage. I hope it's not...

 It will be a long wait before I get more  sounds posted here.   All the various "Help" channels leave me none the wiser, nor closer to achieving the desired result.

Tuesday, 14 March 2017

My music has just disappeared...

It'll get fixed eventually, soon I hope.Beyond my limited I.T. skills but help is coming.
Be patient. I. WAZIR.

Signs of spring in the Izdom of Iz...

I have been focusing my attention on the New World Disorder for too long. After hard frosts of minus ten and storm force winds, It is good to get back in the Garden.
Here are a few views near enough up to date.


Lovely daffs,you'll be welcome to a few bulbs in September.

     Jumbo garlic,we will be planting another variety this week.


 Kale, it looks small but we have eaten several meals worth already.
They will provide a few more servings before they go to flower. We will keep one plant growing to full term; it self seeds easily.
 Blackcurrant bushes sheltered from westerly winds . The beech hedge was topped last year. This year we will see it thicken up .
Pain de sucre, hardy lettuce.  It's prone to attack by burrowing rodents,they love the roots they don't seem too keen to eat the greens. Oversown so everyone gets a share. These plants have just been heeled in to make way for winter digging and early sowing of the next season's crops.
 . Raddichio endive survives the cold weather really well. We will sow more of this. Earlier next time. The learning curve is never ending...

I apologise for the slightly blurred image. The first budding blossom appears on  a young peach tree, self seeded after the stone lay dormant in the compost. We don't plant peach trees here just weed out the ones we don't want to cultivate.  In the background hazel offers protection from  the north easterly wind. It will get "rationalised" in the autumn. The small sticks gleaned when thinned out will make good pea supports.

Early peas , I am told the first one has now appeared. We have just sown another row in the centre circle. The ground is ready for some early planting and sowing.
I'll do some more soon.

"Hoe", needs no iz what it iz...English, Merry conned Millennials take notice.

 It would be funny if the abuse of language hadn't  produced such tragic results.The mutated mindset has no foundation, no practical sustainable nor civilized ground process. Blinded by the light, led astray by the Bloomin' Arty.
There will be moron the subject, later.  I just posted this so's I don't forget.
Remind me if you are in a hurry...

Wednesday, 8 March 2017

Trump may prove to be the New World's Robespierre. He deserves to have his day,just the man to oversee the selective weeding long overdue for the revival of USA;...

Left, right, centre. Means little that could chance to confirm a positive and sustainable political identity. My right your left. Depends on which direction you and I are travelling in. If your going nowhere but merely maintaining the failing status quo, then adopting antiquated monarchic view discredited from Louis 14ths day  the formula might work temporarily as a political expedient but not for long.  Definitions expounded on the Merry Con dominated mainstream news media appear to exploit the by now  world renowned educational deficiencies of American culture.
Ever heard of Dvorjak? He wrote "The New World symphony." He wasn't referring to the whole goddamned planet Earth for heavens sake. He was only referring to the newly founded Americas. New World Order is an ill conceived notion. Prone to cultivate the wrong idea, by the spurious virtue of an ill educated population and the ambiguity of the words.  Folk have perhaps presumed that the New World was putting itself in order (at last), Sadly the idea appears not to have been made clear what the implications of the Merry Con language had intended the working population to understand. As it became clearer, so too the  popular opposition to the idea of NWO.
I live in the French Republic an Englishman in voluntary exile. U.K. is a monarchy. My take on the present World Disorder would be better understood if "Global Corporatism" was referred to as "Neo Monarchism".  Graphicly illustrated in the Syrian conflict. I prefer my simplified model to the complexity of Left Right and Centre ideological intellectualism. My screen side "Last Worlder" view does not endear me to the prospect of being a mere subject  under the dominant influence of commercial megalomania.
The concept of "The New Enlightenment", has managed to piss me off too many times.A cynically promoted mass  delusion serving only the rich.  "Illuminated Ignorance ", I call it. I will stick with the traditional definition of "enlightenment". the millennial malady of obsessive/compulsive internet use has left a lot of the poor darlings blinded by the light. "Retinal paralysis of the minds eye", you are welcome to share the phrase if it suits. A  serious mental disorder if ever there was one, auto induced idiocy. "Too KLEVVA by half...", sez I.
More on all this later, I find it hard to believe that anyone will bother to read my little blog. There's no video. There's too few it seems, that may read the unambiguous word,without mutating the intended meaning. It's English. No American translation please.
Last Summer ,as I stood chatting with my favourite coffee vendor in Place de la Republic. An elderly manspoke to me with what I understand to be an eastern European accent.
"You are English."Sez he. I could hardly deny it. He then said,"Brexit" It was only a few days away from the Referendum. I told him that I had married into Europe, committed for life. My wife is French. .The man's eyes glazed over, " I don't speak English", sez he "I'm from California."
I laughed out loud saying, "I understand. There's a lot of it about."   He appeared quite rattled.  Then just turned and scuttled of as fast as he was able. He didn't even stay to buy his coffee. It brought both Chris the coffee man and I, a few moments of amusement.
 Nuff for now.  I. WAZIR

To Hell with International Women's Day, it's my brother Peter's birthday...

  Here's hoping he remembers to share some of the joy's of Spring with his lovely wife, Lucia.
I'll  keep my own labels thanks. International Women's Day sounds a might patronising to my way of thinking, sexist even.
 However, if there are women in need of cheering up, they're welcome to share this bunch of Daffodils,  Over the last couple of weeks they have managed to survive minus 10 degrees of frost and storm force winds.  See their beautiful shining faces, not a trace of make up, I can't help but love them.They are right on time...

 "Glamour is not beauty", I can't think of much else to say just now. I'll leave you with that for the present.  I. WAZIR.

Cold enough...

                                     Pretty though.

Below is a video I came across whilst wading through the current Merry Con soap opera. It would serve a lot of millennials well if they understood what the man is saying.

Well I was impressed anyway, but then I am English living in the French Republic. What could I know? Never mind rebelling without cause. James Dean never got to be old.
I will be writing more soon enough, The Daffodils have erupted into flower.
Garlic is doing well. Still got salad growing in the garden. Little cabbages started to pick up in spite of deep frost, minus 10 at one point.A few leeks yet to harvest. Fruit bushes budding Marie Therese 's apricot tree is blossoming. Much digging and preparation for the spring sowing. Anne-So is propagating seed for tomatoes aubergines. Oh Yes,my onions have started to show green.  I will plant out my shallots in the next few days. We have a cover over the Rhubarb,hoping to force some long tender stems. I have just sown broad beans. We have just been harassed by several days of storm. Emile's old barn got demolished,We have just delivered bits of the neighbour's house back to him. No damage in our domain, are we doing something wrong. The Kale is thriving. Little Ali the cat isn't so little anymore.  Anne-Sophie's  spinning and dyeing , knitting and weaving is showing really beautiful results. Find her blog: Tons more I will relate some other time.It will be time to sow spuds in a couple of weeks. Last year was a fair result in spite of being planted in starving soil. Overcame the deficiencies by substituting grass sods instead of manure or compost. This years crop will be better for having been fed with well rotted horse manure.   I will post some photos after sleep,it's late. 
Ah, it's Peter Godden's Birthday, he wont like me mentioning it ,but who cares? We wish him a happy one.