As word descriptions go, it fails. Compare it to "Civil Rights Movement" or the French word, "Manifestation".
Screaming temper tantrums get poor results in most well parented households. Some parents will try to bribe children into "good" behaviour, a crude example being, "be good and I will give you sweeties." A child soon learns, adopting the game plan of the parent's psychology. A strategy to win in the familiar game will often evolve/ mutate/ develop, into "Give me sweeties or I wont be good."
Bad habits learned at home may reach impasse or stalemate within the family. The child broods and builds on resentment in the belief that parental decision and policies, is/ are unjust."It's not fair", "you never listen to me". Child bullies are common. What doesn't work at home may be practiced in the playground or on the street. In some households the child may become the dominant personality, playing on a parents insecurity. "Give me, or I wont love you". The fear of being hated by ones children, may undermine benign parental authority. The parent loses by the rules of it's own game.
The "Anti-protest" doesn't work. That fact should have been learned in childhood.
"I/we have rights, it's a free country." Kids hear the words learning to articulate the phrases at an early age. Naive interpretation of "grown up's" language may pose a threat to a
child's future.
Quite right, we have rights. Natural and positive. How many take the time to explain what that implies. Blocking our common progress and having a "dicky fit" "I'll thkweem an thkweem, till I thwow up, if I don't get my way", hardly makes sense at any level. Behaving badly gains no kudos in any moral quarter.
Witnessing the American progress blocker, I have been thoroughly disgusted by the mindless mob protests that endear no one to the various espoused causes. Seemingly moral causes undermined by inappropriate slogan chanting. No rational discussion nor reasoned argument... No room nor time in the game for that. If they tried that at home they likely would be thrown out with the unsorted rubbish. Hysteria is recognisably a mental illness. "just a phase they go through", some would say. So busy in the ineffable careering to notice their own disfunction. Paid agitators and organisers appear to want the distractive chaos. One wonders whose cause they truly serve. The "Millennial Malady" I call it.
The "Protest Movement" is an easily manipulated organism. Some folk have opted to be professionals, mercenaries. The phrase "rebels without a cause" comes to mind. Rabble rousing as it was called, amounts to "If I don't get my way, I'll get my gang and then you will be sorry."
Failed cupboard love may mutate into emotional terrorism at home, from there evolving without contraint into domestic terrorism.
When you back the favourite, the return on your gamble is very small. Even if it had won the result would have had such dire consequences globally, winning would have been a pyrric victory. The obviousness of the rigged campaign with MSM and populist propaganda was observable on the World wide web. They should have backed the outsider. A greater return with less risk, an affordable punt. Pointless to protest. Their horse lost.
For a cause to win it must have a cohesive civil strategy to even get a fair hearing. In our common interest so to create one.
From my distant view an Englishman living in the French Republic I see "Protest Movement" sabotaging legitimate manifestation.
"Black Block", out for a bundle. in the face moronic incitement to violence Pointing the finger of blame at everyone except them selves for their discontent.
What is shown on the media , I make no distinction between mainstream or alternative, appears to be staged happenings to attract photo opportunities. The Instagram Selfie generation. Celebrating the manifest idiocy of their generational era. "Truthers" I laugh. Truth is given at conception. One may discover it as one grows older. We are introduced to the idea by our guardians. Sad that there is little distinction between fact and truth. The available facts may often not amount to a hill of beans. Pile them up and they just slump back down again. It doesn't take much agitation to scatter. In the search for truth, a judge may dismiss a case for lack of evident facts, without substantive detail alluding to what one perceives to be truth a case may not be fairly assessed. Reported fact singular may not illustrate by logic what is true. Unreported fact is no less real. Context is all.