Monday, 29 May 2017

Seeing things my way...

Popping ...


We live here.

There'll be peas to freeze. 

Swelling peaches.

The first crop of sweet cherries, grown from a stone.

Five metres is not enough margin of safety to protect from toxic pesticide overspray.





Coco beans.

Butterhead lettuce.

The spuds look happy on the ridge. They will be flowering within the week. 

Shallots and garlic camoflage the scent of the carrots.

Just outside the door, sedums, nigella, chives, nasturtiums, daisies, tomato and aubergine plants.

It's getting good again. Seems like every season is improving on the previous.

Last years black currants.

First of the new season's strawberries.

More work...




Good Morning.

Thursday, 25 May 2017

Glad to share my likings...

My current obsession of photographing paeony flowers is just about over. I will conclude the series with images of the seed pods in the autumn.


Perfect pea flowers.

Papaver Orientalis.

Stay cool and keep your head. Best not get too excited.

Sunday, 21 May 2017

A few idle moments...


Wormwood in the foreground, rhubarb above,mulching with straw, c'mon summer we're ready

Wish you were here, drop in sometime...

The beech hedge is filling out now, sheltering the black currants from westerly winds. An opportunistic row of spuds border the green path. White currant bushes on the right have almost become a hedge.

Herb Robert and nasturtiums decorate the retaining wall. Mange tout peas tower above them, almost ready to flower.

Careless cultivation...

Nectarines swelling fast.

Saturday, 20 May 2017

Loomin' Arty...

Hungry savages...

This clown is eating my arbutus...

Photogenic but terrible table manners.

Pendulata pendulating...

I. Wazir.

A shame to cut it...

Grass is regularly cropped for mulching and composting. Whats left to comfort the feet will absorb the runoff rainwater and protect the ground from the summer heat. .The foxgloves are blooming ,a dozen or so clumps round the garden. Weeds aren't a problem, there is a use for everything,no waste product.

Green Love...

Friday, 19 May 2017

The season of luscious progress...

So much happening all at once, impossible to cram the data into a mere one eyed image. Waxing lyrical about the wonder of the season doesn't hit the spot for me. I was overwhelmed observing the massive growth after two days of intermittent rain. I didn't take a photo.
We gave the peony some support yesterday,the ants are doing a grand job opening the fliower buds. It looks like the plant has found a perfect spot to live in.  The flowers remind me of happy days in Oxford when my children were small. A while and a bit ago now, chances are neither of them would remember.

Peony deserves a closer look...

"It duz"

Coco beans and runnerbeans sown on ridges and mulched with chopped straw.

Summer is coming, Anne-Sophie busy preparing for the heat.