Thursday, 4 May 2017

We are being poisoned....

A change of tenancy of the fields surrounding our little village  has brought us no closer to a healthy environment. Grant aided asset strippers spraying fungicide in high wind. We have no buffer zone to shelter  the residences from toxic overspray. Coincidence or not, the previous tenant was a member of the council. The current tenant farmer is also a member of the local council. The marie appears to deliberately ignore it's duty of care. The farmers callous action is illegal, unlawful.
Using the existing prescribed protocols for dealing civilly with the issue have proven ineffective.
Anne-Sophie has made a video as an evidential record.  I hope we can transfer it to our computer, we struggle with outdated equipment, an old video camera, we need to bring the matter to public attention. The farmer sprays  fungicide three times a year, not the only toxic product we are forced to endure.

Not a good day to spray.

The photo of my scarf blowing in the breeze, was taken some years ago when the previous tenant farmer engulfed us in areosol overspray. Then as now the wind conditions , combined with no protective barrier hedges, given the farmers' lack of consideration, leaves our small village (six residences in all), vulnerable. The avoidable risk factor should not be ignored. The annual malpractice has a cumulative effect.  Past complaints lodged civilly with the marie and in person to the farmer concerned  thus far have achieved no practical result. We are looking at the prospect of denouncing the culprit publicly and engaging the local police to take action. It ought to be treated as a criminal matter. If the firm is grant aided we will do everything in our limited power to have the funding clawed back with the hope that further penalty would be forthcoming.It seems that folk around here have given up on complaining when their neighbours or colleages do bad stuff, afraid, perhaps of reproach, or worse, devious "punishment". There are too few that would dare to "make a fuss".  The local bourg appears to shut it's eyes to the abuse of the surrounding hinterland, comfortable in their deliberate ignorance I don't doubt. I guess it is down to us to make the necessary fuss. Our garden home is at the front line. The farmer's action in avoidance of his mandatory duty is an assault on our persons.We don't consider the criminal neglect by Agri-business as accidental "friendly fire", thus rendering an isolated incident forgivable. Both marie, the mayor in person , and the farming company, have been informed on several occasions.  What to do?
Tomorrow we are bringing our complaint to the municipal police. They have a duty to act.
Further attention to remedial details need to be brought to the local public notice. Hedges need to be reinstated. Legal distance of safety margins, buffer zones need to be increased by voluntary action. A service is available that would plant hedges free of charge, no excuse for the farmers to say it is cost prohibitive.  They are too engrossed in pursuit of profit to exercise due care for the Patrimony, the environment, the future viability of the soil,the  water courses ,wild life, our food chain, the livestock, pets, not least in danger are the families forced to breath the polluted atmosphere.

Make what you will of the above four images. Something the "spy in the sky" is prone to miss.The same farmers that overspray us are responsible for  and should be held  to account for the evident avoidable degradation. Bad practice appears to be the popular habit of convenience. 
We have Right with us. Let's see what good that may do. I will keep you posted.  I.WAZIR

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