Friday, 19 May 2017

The season of luscious progress...

So much happening all at once, impossible to cram the data into a mere one eyed image. Waxing lyrical about the wonder of the season doesn't hit the spot for me. I was overwhelmed observing the massive growth after two days of intermittent rain. I didn't take a photo.
We gave the peony some support yesterday,the ants are doing a grand job opening the fliower buds. It looks like the plant has found a perfect spot to live in.  The flowers remind me of happy days in Oxford when my children were small. A while and a bit ago now, chances are neither of them would remember.

Peony deserves a closer look...

"It duz"

Coco beans and runnerbeans sown on ridges and mulched with chopped straw.

Summer is coming, Anne-Sophie busy preparing for the heat.

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