Leaving the wageslavery of urban poverty. Growing enthusiasm for reinstating a more resilient domestic economy, locally there is an awakening that profit need not solely be defined in financial terms. Bottom liners only count the money. Give them nothing.
Marie-Noel invested a small portion of her dwindling prosperity in some chickens. They have increased in number to the extent that her small garden could not support the birds. Anne-Sophie and Gwendoline are preparing a disused chicken shack and the surrounding land to house some of Marie-Noel's excess population. Opportunity exists for a growing stable domestic economy. An exodus from the panned out and denatured urban wasteland is gradually growing. Sharing the burden of labour is the key to mutually assured abundance. The shack has been scrubbed with black soap, clean straw has just been gleaned for comfy bedding. Almost ready for the new residents.
Weeds and tough grasses have taken over the garden field.. It wont get cut just by looking at it...
Gwendoline is no weed. |
The old chicken shack, a comfortable haven from all adverse weather. |
Heroic effort ,a long afternoon's work,clears enough space for a large kitchen garden.Resurrecting the life supporting utility. |
Ready for the new residents... |
We're ready... |
He can handle it. |
Settling in nicely. |
Happy enough, the little brown hen laid her first egg this evening.
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