Sunday 22 March 2020

Coronavirus, Im not trying to scare you but...

Historical records from the quarantined ships in Nelson's Navy  when plagued with infectious diseases  indicate we are taught that habitual mouth breathers were the first to die. It was probably the only way they could stop snoring.The majority of the crew probably improved their health once they could enjoy an uninterupted few nights sleep. Snorers beware. Lips were not designed to pout for selfie instagram Photos. they are design to keep toxic shite out of our eating tackle.Even speaking is secondary to eating. Don't show your teeth when you smile no matter how loverly your expensive implants may look. The nose is a much abused or ignored aperatus. Designed for breathing,a double vortex of air agitates the mixture of gases to make it easier for the lungs to access life supporting oxygen.The mucus lining of the airway in the nostrils acts as a trap with antibodies which help to protect against viruses and bacteria. You wanna sniff the white powder off a toilet seat. Be my guest, Goodbye and good riddence.  Close your mouth when you are eating and keep your nose clean.
I doubt anyone will read this. I am in the middle of a much bigger article not yet ready for posting concerning observations and criticism of Rennes Cardiology Unit. This snippet just floated to the surface of my memory from my First year biology in Grammar School.  I wasn't yet twelve years of age. I'm in my sixty ninth year now. Happy to share the benefit  before it's my turn to drop off my perch.

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