Sunday 17 April 2022

The Earth rises from it's slumber... It's not flat and thats that..

 Next to be dug... the top of the mound will have a trench encorporating much coarse composting weeds and clippings. Several varieties of climbing beans are waiting to take up the space.  Accelerating now beyond the cold winter's neglect, the newly turned ground will have been sown by the time of this posting.  Lots of new Strawberry plants brought on from runners last year, now occupy the stone margin amidst small boxwood plants . I'll post a regular picture update as the season progresses.

Domba is moving on...
We can't allow him to harass Noodle , his mother. He needs a family or a flock of his own. He's been offered a good home. 
The new spade has found favour with Madame.

This comfy bed is now sown with "greens" for transplanting in a few weeks time.

 The Last One.


Happy Easter one and all, whether you believe or not.Peace and heartfelt Love, without division. 

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