Tuesday, 30 August 2022

"they go mad in herds"

The 2023 Recession will be unlike anything we've ever seen before | Reda...



Caught in the act ...

It took ten years of garden cultivation to create this image, A moment later it was gone.

Out of the box, winning the peace.We wish you were here...

Tamarillo,(tomato tree); Refusing to die, coming back stronger than ever.

Cabbage nd Cosmo.

Good Morning...

Monday, 29 August 2022

Sunday, 28 August 2022

Grey Zone flutings...

Tuesday, 23 August 2022

"people will starve"

this is embarrassing...

Famine in 2022

Monday, 22 August 2022

It’s Happening

Man-made drought...Cooling earth... indications of early Autumn weather.

Don't wait for October before planting out next year's garlic crop. Maximise rising humidity held in the growing surface by deep mulching. Cinder grey,"sunny skies" indicate  the need for early planting. Garlic needs deep roots and well established leaf if is to survive the possibility of frost.

Garlic cloves as big as hens' eggs. escape being devoured this season. Early planting for these maximising exposure to sunshine. Due to be harvested October next year. It should produce enormous results. Tiny perfectly formed garlic bulblets and regular softnecked and hardnecked bulbs will all be planted in a common bed. Magnesium Sulphate (Epsom salts) is a worthy supplement, a frequent deficiency in over worked soil. We have tiny clumps of randomly planted garlic  scattered about the garden., leftovers from previous plantings. Usually the weediest of several regular plantings, year by year. No way to accurately make comparisons  nor collect intelligence that would objectively serve our practical permanent  progress.  We are both looking forward to becoming minor domestic, "garlic experts" The learning curve looks like being a tasty lesson.

Salvaged , bulblets to giant cloves, will be added to our regular seasons planting stock. I hope you enjoy my published "garlic journey" over the coming year. We aren't doing this for fun, but its fun.

Sunday, 21 August 2022

Thursday, 18 August 2022

putin makes history.

Monday, 15 August 2022

Friday, 12 August 2022

Radiation risk to Europe

Wednesday, 10 August 2022

FULL INTERVIEW: #Israel has the nerve to call other people terrorists sa...

Costa Rica's President Makes Covid Mandates Illegal while Trudeau Vacati...

Ratatatouil 4 Twoee...

 The first of the Summer gleanings is transfered immediately into our Winter store.  Optional is the enjoyment of the cultivation, the continual learning,the cooking and the feasting not to forget the benefit to our fiscal economy and the assurance of domestic food security. Peace of mind, contained and preserved.

Be Prepared.
Tomatoes rendering down for sauce.
Basil, Oregano, Thyme and Garlic.
Sea salt and freshly ground pepper, Cumin, Bay leaf and Onion.

The first of the season's Aubergines, salted then washed to draw out bitterness.

Keeping it moving. Lightly. 

More fresh tomatoes and Courgettes and more herbs.

 Still firm, yet to be blanched in jars. It's looking and smelling good.
Crushed Apple is added to the homemade tomato ketchup.

Job Done....
Now for the smoothie... Fresh young Carrots a few young beetroot thinnings, Apple , Cucumber, Ginger and Banana. It's Frothy Man. All stuff the Doctors would have prescribed, if they had taken more interest. Due diligence personal research and self help seems to have become my only option.   Food for Life.

Crimean Airfield Explosions. HIMARS Gets HACKED. Zelensky Selling Off Uk...

While the innocents are being slaughtered in #Gaza the world’s #media lo...

Sunday, 7 August 2022

What Putin and China just did to the WEF is a game changer | Redacted wi...

"I'm still here !"

  The only time she's still is when her image is trapped in a photograph...


Tuesday, 2 August 2022

Tucker Carlson Tonight 8/1/22 FULL | BREAKING FOX NEWS August 1, 2022

The CDC can’t hide this anymore, leaked emails reveal stunning truth | R...

Justin Bieber Facial Paralysis - Ramsay Hunt Syndrome

Good Morning Sunshine...

Anne-Sophie siezes the moment

Sunflower greets the day...

We couldn't eat twenty eggs in one sitting. 

Pickled eggs, hot and spicey. We'll save these for winter.

Cabbage, a long way from hearting up.I don't mind waiting. Indian Marigolds peep out from leafy shade.

They are slow to emerge, I'm determined to see a shock of white bean flower before the autumn is done.

Cucumber.... Salads and smoothies I reckon.

Butternut Squash... Spreading fast.

Tomatoes and chillis getting ready for the sauce, the beans are waiting.

Beans means, a good bee's been busy...

When it's hot, we walk in the shade.

Figs. I will be topping the tree this autumn. and reducing the leaders to increase the size of the figs and make harvesting the fruit easier.

Nigella... Blackseed ready for harvest. We will cut them close to the ground,the seed pods placed heads down in a paper carrier bag. More on this later.

Juice from the pickled beetroot recycled to pickle eggs. Worth a try, good result.; A beautiful sprig of basil , home grown tomatoes. MMMmm!