Tuesday, 2 August 2022

Good Morning Sunshine...

Anne-Sophie siezes the moment

Sunflower greets the day...

We couldn't eat twenty eggs in one sitting. 

Pickled eggs, hot and spicey. We'll save these for winter.

Cabbage, a long way from hearting up.I don't mind waiting. Indian Marigolds peep out from leafy shade.

They are slow to emerge, I'm determined to see a shock of white bean flower before the autumn is done.

Cucumber.... Salads and smoothies I reckon.

Butternut Squash... Spreading fast.

Tomatoes and chillis getting ready for the sauce, the beans are waiting.

Beans means, a good bee's been busy...

When it's hot, we walk in the shade.

Figs. I will be topping the tree this autumn. and reducing the leaders to increase the size of the figs and make harvesting the fruit easier.

Nigella... Blackseed ready for harvest. We will cut them close to the ground,the seed pods placed heads down in a paper carrier bag. More on this later.

Juice from the pickled beetroot recycled to pickle eggs. Worth a try, good result.; A beautiful sprig of basil , home grown tomatoes. MMMmm!

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