Tuesday, 10 February 2009

A clear sky and glorious sunshine...

Today found Anne-Sophie and I in the garden.She doesn't get much chance at this time of year, her care work takes her away from the home and between clients the weather is usually against her, today was exceptional. A beautiful day, warm and breezy. It was good to see her giving the spade some exercise. The ground looks good this spring, turns well without sticking to the blade.Lots of worms.She washed a stack of small pots in preparation for starting the tomatoes.We went to see if we could find me a good all weather work coat,the biggest was a third too small , we settled for buying some seeds. Early peas, leeks, aubergine two types of lettuce and some Thunbergia(Black eyed Susan). We have a lot of seeds in store already. I was happy to leave the shop without spending much. Me? I spent most of the afternoon idling my time rearranging rocks at the top of the garden, between looking and thinking and setting myself impossible goals for the coming Year.
I was dissapointed to hear reportage of that Thatcher woman's offensive remarks,begs the question,Who's favour is she trying to cultivate? Hurtful shameful person she, a product perhaps of her congenitally deficient up bringing, I guess we shouldn't be surprised. Someone should teach her the difference between having a joke and taking the piss.Saying sorry wont wash now, let's see which companies will be happy to have her. The cultures are mixing well in France; one quarter are mixed marriages. there is still a long way to go , eventually the bigots will die off? we 'll leave them in the trash can of history where they belong. Progress starts at home.Vive la Republique!

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