Sunday, 22 February 2009

New season old issue...

It's rare that I walk the fields these days, once a favoured pass time now a source of sadness and concern. Contract cowboys are turning the hinterland of the village into a desert, observing minimum standard of care. Water courses obliterated by the deluge of mud . A few murky puddles of green algae testify to the fact that there was once a complex system of ditches. Failed agribusiness practice leaves little time to excercise duty of care to the land or it's inhabitants.Last season Anne-Sophie and I were sprayed with herbicide by a criminally negligent farmer driving too fast in windy conditions, the cloud of atomised chemicals rolled some ten metres ahead of him at a height of four metres. We were duly angry with him he tried to justify with bogus excuses and lies, showing callous disregard to the intended meaning of his own statutory code of practice.
Pioneer France logos mark his rented fields, many hectares of abused land in the hands of bottom line carpet baggers. The incident has caused us to look more closely at the extent of the neglect and damage with a view to assessing what needs to be done to make lasting reparation. Pioneer is a cousin of Monsanto, they dominate the seed market worldwide. We want to see families returning to the rural regions, country life becomes a potentially life threatening toxic chemical equation in the hands of the industrialised giants. We hope to join with others similarly concerned, we'll do our best to make effective legitimate representation. It is not assuring that the farmer who sprayed us is a member of our local Marie. I will update my blog with news of our progress periodically. It feels like we may be entering into a kind of frontline environmental battle. They may have beaten a few of their swords into ploughshares but continue to use their technology as though it was a weapon of war. Debt ridden, financial crisis management causes careful cultivation and husbandry of the common rural heritage to take at best a poor second place to the short term interest of the profiteer. The farmer of our immediate concern may not realize the extent of his accumulating personal liabilities as a result of not being fully in control of his own familial economy. Perhaps we can introduce him to durable alternatives to his present practice. Putting profit before principle and Trade before craft is neither morally supportable nor sustainable, it is a form of commercial piracy on the collateral base of the regional economy, the life supporting terrestrial ecology, plundered for too long without respite or repair.
We will continue to take photographs and video areas of neglect,as well as collecting information in association with others who share our active interest in the repair and maintainance of the rural landscape. In spite of the man's obvious contempt of our objection to toxic bullying we wish him no ill fortune. We may not however silently tolerate any further poisonous neglectful attack by accident or design. We will vigourously defend against the industrial abuse by every moral and constitutional means afforded to us.Iznibz Wazir.

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