The following letter was sent to Oliver Tickell's aycaramba address. A dead letterbox by the look of things, there is a lot of it about. I don't expect a reply. Not now ,many months have passed since I tried to make contact. The context of telephone conversation is inadequate to the need.
By posting here, chances are that it will take many years of floating around in the Oblivion Zone before comment or response is returned. I give my undertaking that I will publish any worthy reply forthcoming if ever.Oliver is on Facebook anyone craving in anticipation of his response are at liberty to make contact with him themselves.
Dear Oliver,
This little Legoscribble, is extra to a proposed ,"sit down"chat later. I hope you and yours are keeping well. A couple of phrases that jumped out and hit me in the eye when I have been making brief visits to the parallel internet world,a cause for concern,I would say as you use the net extensively as a propaganda vehicle. "Science dictates that..." used as a pre amble to a bunch of statistics,as though your data would have more cred, 'backup' so to speak. Who or what unelected body of grant hungry parasites do you represent Oliver I am shocked. No vested interest is going to dictate , and with all due respect no science graduate is going to get away with the implications of the meaning, without being called to account, morally at the very least. I reason from given truth, a natural phenomenon,whether it is logically provable to the cash starved compromised scientific community or not,they argue amongst themselves for who gets the biggest bone from the masters table.Finite crystalline logic, is flawed in it's practical application., One doesn't ,nor has one ever needed a computer and a science degree to work out the ways and means toward an integrated holistic course of action that would pioneer accessable sustainable progress..Bad use of syntax Oliver. English is my first language,I am not prepared to degrade it by indulging in dog faced argument. I would leave that dubious privilege to the bi polar academic petri dish culture within the ring road of Oxford.I write in defence of unambiguous communication Oliver.What say You?
One of your writing's supporters expressed a phrase,Oliver Tickell..."inventor of Kyoto 2", another as Oliver Tickell..."green Guru".Just who is fooling who? I am not an academic Oliver, with no aspiration to be so.The added weight by the momentary subscription of your well placed and naively well meaning, 'fans and followers', given that your fulcrum is badly located, is in danger of bending the lever of your potential influence. The denatured 'thinking' illustrates little of an enlightened faculty and is in dire need of reconstruction.
We are not waiting for the dictat of science to solve our problems, nor are we prone to wait for the professional frontmen, spin doctors and celebrity advisers,to consume their slice of the action before the real work is done in the world at large.Ay Caramba. The 'we' I speak of are the ones you refer to as 'the poor'.I hope the devil that by implication hides within the syntax, is not missed. Your seemingly well meant wise words were obsolete,unfit for purpose before the data you collected had been analysed and assimilated. There is an abundance of topics I would love to discuss appropriate to your expressed field of vocational interest. I wouldn't want to risk the inevitable eye damage from over exposure to the illuminated screen. A proper civilised conversational forum ,leave your watch at home ,and join us by the fire. I will write about the improper trade in the carbon credits else where. Here's a question. What iz my per capita allowance, How many sticks does that represent. I am building a house in our field, all being well it wouldn't look out of place in the iron age. We stay well within the poverty/austerity zone. Viable organic solutions need to be accessible to the poorest. It needs to present a taste good feel good factor that overides all temptation to become a cash starved wage dependant.Show "the poor " how to become "upwardly mobile" by working example.from a zero capital start.My "hit the ground running" principle iz worth the effort of understanding. We know the earth iz round, we have seen it on the telly , yet we still allow flat earth principles to dominate.Creating a "life boat" system that aids the journey back to an ecological state of grace iz in part what I am about. The long road "home", iz a hard one Oliver. My aim here iz to create a journeyman's rest, in effect a tutorial site. The benign influence from this field will grow into the surrounding countryside.There iz no conflict of familal interest or loyalty in this domain.The real Mrs.Godden and I have good moral support here, being recognised to some extent as being workers for the last great noble cause.We ,the poor us, will achieve our objective.
I have never been a joiner of parties or pressure groups, certainly not in bi polar Britain.And follow who's example. Obstructed from establishing my own integrated diasporan culture,When the "white boys" had finished behaving badly,they cut off their hair and disappeared into the crowd. I found myself surrounded by the stink they left behind. I still have me hair and beard,still a pedestrian, Britain has treated me very badly, British people ,who like to call themselves Us to the exclusion of others. Please understand that I am "Other' Oliver. It iz important, my name iz not Legion. It is Reinold. A marginalised singular one, A natural.
Years ago I shouted at you in the Green field, You didn't understand why. I wrote a letter explaining . Your friend at the time Pippa could see well the many points I made,but not you. I later asked you about the contents of the letter, your friend the photographer had volunteered that you had kept it for some time on your desk,when asked you denied. You had associations with Dianne which by accident or design,or more likely by neglect had a most damaging influence on my progress.Unduly.Confirming her in a most malignant course of action.It all needs to be talked about openly and honestly. Your view that I was mentally ill may be a popularly held one. Unqualified subscription makes the spurious belief no truer.
The complex sophisticated bigotry that emanates from polite society,the educated and the well placed, is no less abusive than the crude, bone headed neo nazi rascist thuggery we have to face on the street. They are one creature. A consensus psychosis Oliver. Easy to be complacent when you aren't the targeted victim, I am only physically damaged Oliver, but for my own safety must live outside of my dear old Albion. I am in need of ETHICAL SUPPORT, Oliver. Legal representation for a Human Rights case , in the public interest.
So where do you fit in or do you? Who Knows,We will see.I am not asking for patronage.
All that lovely green chatter can wait a while, I will still write periodically on my blogs. School4terra iz another. The internet is not the work,merely past time allusions.A voyeur's peephole."Mudskool".
You are in a position to aid my finding interested influential people.You may be able to find me access to a pro bono lawyer. Many asian and eurasians are in extreme risk, not in anyones interest to ignore. Institutional corruption needs to be exposed and tackled head on,Oliver. I am not asking you to expose yourself or your family to undue risk. your little clip about an eastern block artist being abused for being strange avoided the seriousness of the problems brewing nearer your home. The sharp end bhai, this is not some fucked up hippy trip Oliver. Please take communication seriously.
I have verifiable substantive evidence, corroborative witness account as well as my own "victim's testimony". Where you stand Oliver will be seen by conduct. A test you might say of moral credibility.I have little in the way of leverage,I don't think I have caused you too much embarrassment.Though you may wish I had caused you less.
What is required is a voluntary action,ACTION,in the academic sense is less hazardous than the gauntlet I have frequently had to run in Britain.I will close for now but warn of more words to come.I need to discuss specific matters with dare I say, "a friend"? Discretely Oliver. A bit more than a three minute sound bite will allow.
Tuesday, 14 July 2009
Monday, 13 July 2009
Sunday, 12 July 2009
Saturday, 11 July 2009
Things Iz said...
The only place in all the universe where Man may realize his true evolutionary destiny.The Broken Planet is where the miracle of life began,the only one where we belong.The way to the earths resurrection transcends the crystaline equation.
The juggernaut of historic folly passes by the field of our responsibility,without our subscription.The profit from our industry may not be measured in the weighing of a purse. We are empowered by attention to the detail of our terrestrial duty,the path that leads to a state of grace , the way forward, is the way back home. Modest dominion, unconditional sanctuary.What we are may not described by the definition of failed, ignoble and unworthy masters.We will not be contained nor appeased by the vacuous rhetoric of crumbling temple doctrine,nor led,distracted by the blurred flat earth visions of moribund, fading empires’ administration. Love will not flourish within the all consuming,secular church of competitive modernism, nor will dynasties be renewed by the imposition of human sacrifice.They may not barter for our loyalty with the promise of prize and privilege. Not for sale, not for hire, withdrawing service to the Big Mistake, we are guided by the light of our own intelligence, the light that casts no shadow. Untouchable.Divine.
The juggernaut of historic folly passes by the field of our responsibility,without our subscription.The profit from our industry may not be measured in the weighing of a purse. We are empowered by attention to the detail of our terrestrial duty,the path that leads to a state of grace , the way forward, is the way back home. Modest dominion, unconditional sanctuary.What we are may not described by the definition of failed, ignoble and unworthy masters.We will not be contained nor appeased by the vacuous rhetoric of crumbling temple doctrine,nor led,distracted by the blurred flat earth visions of moribund, fading empires’ administration. Love will not flourish within the all consuming,secular church of competitive modernism, nor will dynasties be renewed by the imposition of human sacrifice.They may not barter for our loyalty with the promise of prize and privilege. Not for sale, not for hire, withdrawing service to the Big Mistake, we are guided by the light of our own intelligence, the light that casts no shadow. Untouchable.Divine.
Labels:Eco Logic
Iznibz Wazir
Thursday, 9 July 2009
I am writing from a trough of physical exhaustion. One more day of poisonous medicine to go.Some small work in the garden.The first tomato has just been harvested, the runnerbeans are ablaze with flower. A hundred and fifty leeks newly planted . I have just turned the onion necks over, the shallots are near ready for lifting. Anne-so has sown more carrot seed. We will sow ble noir as a green manure on some newly vacated beds.The building project awaits a resurgence of my energy,that being dependent on my ingesting iron more efficiently.You want photos ?You want video? You want too much. Do it yerself.
Good spuds this year.I am glad I'm here. Marie Therese has just given us two gigantic calabrese, tonight's supper promises to be a tasty one. Wish you were here.
Good spuds this year.I am glad I'm here. Marie Therese has just given us two gigantic calabrese, tonight's supper promises to be a tasty one. Wish you were here.
Labels:Eco Logic
Iznibz Wazir.
Wednesday, 8 July 2009
The friend of my friend...

I am hardly going to trust responding to suggestions on Facebook to add as friend. What's to stop any of the named strangers from making contact directly via email or via comment on my blog toward a personal introduction. there's only one name out of twentyseven that has actually chanced their arm in a personal meeting. I have a face, a voice and an attitude that according to a serving magistrate in xenophobic U.K. plc., was grounds for a criminal conviction regardless of conduct or rights. I don't live in U.K. I have a safe haven in France, marrying my loyal friend and companion of twelve years standing, she being the only person I would dare to trust to calling "friend", easily counted on the finger of one hand.
I have been told I am difficult to live with. Harder still to live with would be the moral philosophical principles which have supported and nourished me for the greater part of my life.Youth takes a big risk fishing for friendship in the Oblivion Zone. I might bite, be warned.I can be a highly critical old giffer at times. Needs be,sez I.
I am English speaking but begin to doubt that I share a common definition. What do you mean by friend?Dont expect that I will be soliciting any contact with suggested names on the list. Whoever you all are , would be welcome to venture forward, nearer at least to my preferred traditional definition of friendship. Real time real life,loyalty and permanent commitment to common cause is a prerequisite.
Labels:Eco Logic
Iznibz Wazir
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