Monday, 2 November 2020

Forward Planning ahead of the Covid pandemic. Leaving the sickness and confusion far behind.

 Waiting for the first dry day.

Hard neck and Soft neck garlic ready for planting.Large Jumbo Garlic almost bursting to get growing. A long season is what they need,well drained and in full sun. Old cultivated ground may benefit from a top dressing of "Epsom Salts"(Magnesium Sulphate ) during this part (November) of their season. Addition will improve early leaf production essential for large bulbs at harvest time (July).We can expect a return of at least twelve to twenty times the volume, A worthy investment towards an economic high grade future.My experiment with a patch of super early cloves planted over a month ago, small "throwaway" specimens some too small to peel for cooking, is looking good. The tiny cloves have all produced leaves their bulbs will likely fill up once mature roots have been established.
Lock Down and a curfew . Clear the streets by nine o' clock.Masks obligatory. Every one trying to capitalise on the CoVid iPhoney "Pandemic" urban box world reality programme.I am just doing what the hell I want, having designed some notion of how I wanted to live when I got old. I'm coming into what the boxworld urbanites have come to accept as the vulnerable years,just passed through my Sixty ninth birthday celebration. I think I will stick to saying what the hell I like, moreso, from now on.
You are lucky I don't have the means to make video recordings. A mountain of music has erupted over the summer. Bloggy tutorials full of tootling flootery amid a cascade of well tried primitive options in the garden. You'd hear my grumpy voice, between the more pleasant bits, saying stuff you may not agree with. I keep seeing things my way.An objective critical eye over crucial subjects. "The revenge of the greybeards." Ignore at your peril,all in need of my advice. I have been ignored by close family for most of my life, loving and caring about them brings no greater pleasure, it's never stopped me offering positive advice. Where was I? Habitual mouth breathers beware.You are already not accessing the volume of oxygen for optimum health. Snorers will also need to take notice. Your brains are also getting addled by oxygen starvation during sleep. High blood pressure, tachycardia. Now put a cloth mask over the air supply. The cloth soon gets damp making it more difficult to access air properly. Watching politicians and reporters delivering miles of outward breathing often at high speed, then sucking in hard to replace the air, the mask so damp it almost gets sucked in. Mouth breathing manual workers take warning,wearing a mask could cause your premature demise (death). It is in the historic record of Nelson's Navy that the first casualties on the quarantined plague ships of his day,were mouth breathers. The first biological anti body laden filter is the mucus membrane in the nostrils. Mouth breathing presents no barrier of protection, viruses and bacteria, as well as the toxic  water soluble dust of our common industry have direct access to the lungs. I'll do some more on this  soon, it's late, I'm going to play a few tootling tunes before bed... To be continued. 

Time passes...  More gifts arrive from Marie Therese's realm. Kiwi fruit will store in a cool place over winter.

 Yesterday, Anne-Sophie and her mam M.T. were out doing "Women's Work". You know, sawing up a tree that has fallen by the fishing lake, cutting up the wood into logs with chainsaws and transporting to dry cover. Not the only task they achieved over the day.  Emile gave assistance with his tractor. I cleared ground of rogue Salsify plants. Planted some garlic. Made room for more. Some bits of my health improve. No seizures since adopting Magnesium supplements and Iron supplements into my diet. We will be served with high grade green leaf vegetables this winter. I am looking forward to the more seasonal natural lockdown. Doing a lot of traditionally winter prep in the garden early. Better to be ahead of the growing season, tending to lead us in many directions at once. We have done well to harvest and store a major proportion of our produce. More will be developing in the field. We get excited  about our latest learning experiments. Overwintering Chillies,cultivating ginger and turmeric, the mysterious Chayotte, a Tamarillo tree brought on from an errant sucker, our little lemon tree is now a spindly two feet tall. It will be  time in the Spring to encourage branching. Our first ground frost of the year did no noteworthy harm.The trees are looking ragged now most of the leaves have fallen. Some judicious pruning is due.

Are you keeping healthy and active out there? How so? No one brave enough to correspond yet? A real pity... I will be redesigning next years great earth moving adventure. Realigning with the only sustainable future. Be there or be forever square. A Boxworld, captive consumer, trapped in a grid iron slave economy.  How fast do Ash Keys grow into small trees? You will be able to follow the progress on the screen, but what a perverse way of appreciating nature not to it is also symptomatic of anti-social distancing. 
Ayup Toby... I saw a recent thumbnail, had to look hard the colours appear out of register, a bit blurred. Noticed the coif. Looks like you volunteered as a subject for the hair dressing department. Brave man. I hardly rcognised you. Observing that you look much younger than your age. Then I thought, "But you have to be older to look younger". I hope you aren't wasting your time.

 Have a grape
We give thanks for the last of the season's black grapes. Gift of Marie Therese.

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