Friday 13 November 2020

Friday the Thirteenth...

 Lucky for me...

 Lucky for us...
Friends of the oeuf...

Arbutus (Strawberry Tree) in flower.

Exciting to me, to think that every delicate bell shaped flower may  yet survive frost and gales to produce strawberry like fruit.

There will be an ash tree here eventualy, it's just getting started.

 Betula,(silver birch), useful pioneer tree. We are letting our young trees propogate themselves. Some good plants will occupy our hedge others will be potted on for wider distribution/ There is much historic industry associated with the birch. Looking forward to dabbling. That's Anne-Sophie digging up rooted fig suckers for potting.

Clearing space for Féve,(broad beans).

Pocket saving, Change Purses from Anne-Sophie.

1 comment:

Francis said...

Yo, Rhino, Stll doing it! email? Best wishes, Francis