Saturday 19 December 2020

As they search for the indefinable " missing something" in their lives...

  Two none existant unidentifiable "followers". A handful of regular visitors in Europe. Portugal, France, U.K. and Germany, occasional irregular visits from Poland,Arab Emirates, and Turkey. Let's hope they speak English. The majority of visitors / views come from U.S.A. I strongly suspect  the  bulk are only conversant with the Merry Con language. My apologies to all those, who in their haste to gain some vicarious carnal thrills above a good education  were fooled into believing that a HOE is a prostitute. I hope you weren't too disappointed when you discovered how short of the mark you were. To the regular viewers, (I am only guessing that you are), I have a question.

"OO D L R U"?

I"ll leave that with you lot for now.  Today I received the first batch of B12 drops. Let's hope it helps drive pernicious anemia out of my life altogether.  Goodbye for now...I.WAZIR

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