Tuesday, 30 March 2021
Monday, 29 March 2021
Nothing is wasted...
A chance for early crop.
A Ragged Man Promotion...
A corporation when confronted with the prospect of civil litigation, may have at it's disposal a herd of lawyers. In law the corporate entity has a personality, however it may only have one corporate voice. Don't be detered by numbers.Express your home truth how you morally may. Not so much lip waggling and hystrionic group drama.Talk is cheap, silent dedicated positive action speaks louder than any mere vocal opining..The Right of our freedom of expression is naturally sacrosanct. The silent word, is what we do and what we make by the moral exercise of that right. Whether Corporate or Individual jointly or severally, we are all equally accountable for the consequences of our self determined results. Our actions may be legal, the resultant effect may not be lawful. Hurt and harm may be the unforseen result of well intended actions. We assess the risk, we make our informed choice,self determined, autonomous,Fully accepting moral, civil and legal responsibility: When things don't go according to plan one must accept liability for hurt damage and loss, proportionate to one's responsibility, corporate or individual, jointly and severally.
Time to get off the knees and stand on our hind legs people. Stop parading around in the panned out urban mausoleum. Head for the hills and pioneer a new more sustainable way of living in the wake of the passing Juggernaut. Occupy and cultivate the uneven ground. The Crown Corporations are still using Carrot and Stick, coersive psychology. They have been feeding the wrong end and battered the poor electorate around the head until it doesn't know it's arse from it's elbow. Take your risk no greater than the "old normal". Be brave enough to act with faith in your own moral judgement. Independent self determined informed autonomous. Come back down to Earth, It's time to plant and sow. Make your little money worth more. Dig for victory...I.Wazir
Good luck and much love to Emile... Come home soon.
Eighty three years of age just finished tilling his veg garden. Heroically bearing up under the burden of many chronic health issues, just been hospitalised, with difficulty breathing. Word is, he is doing well.Family are in attendence.
Friday, 26 March 2021
Wednesday, 24 March 2021
Independent future... Home grown
She's at it again...
Tuesday, 23 March 2021
Stoner Nooz... They're moving again.
Monday, 22 March 2021
"On their knees"... "Begging for freedom!..."
Sounds like they will be gratefully licking the spit off the masters hand before long.Masqueraded, vaccinated, then it's, "All aboard who's coming aboard the "Moribund Dynasty", a mastless, rudderless quarantined ship of state crewed by clueless Neo Regency caretakers. Well placed but badly chosen.
To my view folk in the protest were just milling around in bewilderment like so many abandoned worker wasps, once the Queen and her immediate entourage have left the nest.
Are they waiting for someone to tell them what to do next? I've just planted a row of schallots..Standing upright and bending my back a little. When it's working, it's not hurting. If it hurts, and it often does, I am free to rest and change direction without begging for permission. I'll plant another row presently. Beats bimbling around in sniffling crowds.
Saturday, 20 March 2021
Surviving the iPhoney pandemic, locking the madness out. Loving the work, living the life.
Having a ball...
Amenity horticulture, domestic homesteading is neither Farming nor AgriBusiness.
Sustainable life supporting home culture, achievable by the dedicated investment of appropriate work @ Zero % Financial profit. Voluntary manual labour, our only renewable energy.
Wednesday, 17 March 2021
March 17, Have a happy Paddy's Day, I will...
Friday, 12 March 2021
Thursday, 11 March 2021
Tuesday, 9 March 2021
"Breaking through the glass sealing / ceiling..."
Monday, 8 March 2021
Happy Birthday, Peter Robert.
I hope you get over your anti social distancing soon. We would love to see Lucia and your smiling faces around our table. A good appetite is all the ticket you'll need. Good wishes and Best Big Brotherly Love, from the bearded stranger. That was no masked man... That was me.
Sunday, 7 March 2021
Saturday, 6 March 2021
Taking the pains, in the light of one's own mortality...To Emma Grace (Emergy"Pinky") Lagos, Portugal.
There is a limit to the amount of other peoples problems with which one may empathise. Ayup Emma Grace. My sympathy goes out to, regarding your back.
Bearing the pain of inappropriate working practice heroically in sacrifice to family is often missed by those for whom the service is performed.A real pity you were never encouraged to relate head to head with your father. You may have found a way of avoiding what often turns out to be a painful working lifetime. I laugh.I have been poleaxed to incapacity several times, so far with occasional help my disc has clicked back in place. Don't "mask up" if you are in pain. A lack of oxygen, from shallow breathing creates muscular tension that will only exacerbate the difficulty of moving correctly delaying recovery time. Whether, during pregnancy,labourious work,Kung Fu or yoga. All best advice for pain management, incorporates breathing properly. Out as well as in... As long as you remain active, once damage is done,you will always be vulnerable. Light weight training execises may help . Squat press, done correctly would improve the supportive muscles around your spine. In your urban environment a licenced gym coach shouldn't be hard to find. I still endure a lifetime of back problems. That combines with growing arthritic pains, Brooksism,Oedema,progressive loss of vision and pernicious anemia to say little to nothing of harm endured from acts of violence to my person. Permanent damage , there is no escape.It has to be said that none of the relative pains earned from rubbing up against the harsher side of life may compare with the internal pains caused by calous uncaring family members.Emotional troughs of despondancy can undermine and inhibit ones ability to recover from physical damage. A distraction at any rate from good pain management.
A sustainable homelife is something I found is worth taking the pains to build. I am easy to find Emma.The profit from our invested labour of love is ultimately all the legacy we may pass on to future generations. Ignore what happy dads do best. At your peril. There is much joy yet to share. Perhaps even tears, where would be the harm for the relief they may bring. Unresolved issues are best dealt with in person. Publicity would prove destructive. You have avoided giving me your address since teenage. Not the worst of it when coupled with the false allegations put out on your behalf by your mother. Up to you Emma to take responsibility for your part . Your call.
Before I close... In Ireland I encountered a marvelous Chiropracter. A man called Billy Taighe. Inexpensive magic bone clickery. In County Cork. A service that shouldn't be over used. Worth to find a trustworthy amenable practicioner near you. Twice he got me from crawling and limping, to dancing and jumping within minutes.
This has been written over two days. It's sunny, I will be going out to the garden soon.Plenty of work to do. I'll give you a break now. Distant Love. Dad.