Monday 1 March 2021

No masquerade, no jab, no job. That's just fine by me...

  I have enough work scheduled  at home, my private autonamous domain. to outlast the Globalist iPhoney pandemic scam. Like minded folk visit us , healthy hard working folk for the most part. Locals tend to live long in this neighbourhood, in spite of enduring the pain and inconvenience of wear and tear from years of service to family and nation. Emile must pushing eighty three years, diabetic, knackered knees, dicky heart, tractor ploughing the domestic potager for the coming season. C'est normal,non? Living and working outside of the influence of the Main stream Media, urban boxworld reality appears to have many long term benefits the alienated denatured masses have yet to discover.No one within our ability to help will be stuffed into the waste bin of residential care homes. Soldiers gave lives to protect principle of family and homeland. The living have a right to the peace and tranquility that brought. Dying in one's own bed having made peace with the world surrounded by caring loved ones  must remain the inalienable right of an individual's self determined choice.

A family of "townies" paid the village a visit,kids and adults, all masked up, even outside in the fresh air. I remain unmasked. They didn't dare come in. "They can keep their sickness to themselves", thinks I, "it's all in their mind". They took masks off briefly to shove food down their necks on the short visit to Grandad and Grandma, remasked, got into their car and hurried home. They had an opportunity to take a health reviving break from the programmed madness. If the bugs don't get you the mind virus will sabotage your confidence in natural living. So it appears. The seniors can do without the display  of a gross lack of faith in their original peasant culture. Civilisation is a horse of a different colour.

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