Monday 22 March 2021

"On their knees"... "Begging for freedom!..."

 Sounds like they will be gratefully licking the spit off the masters hand before long.Masqueraded, vaccinated, then it's, "All aboard who's coming aboard the "Moribund Dynasty", a mastless, rudderless quarantined ship of state crewed by clueless Neo Regency caretakers. Well placed but badly chosen.

To my view folk in the protest were just milling around in bewilderment like so many abandoned worker wasps, once the Queen and her immediate entourage have left the nest.

 Are they waiting for someone to tell them what to do next? I've just planted a row of schallots..Standing upright and bending my back a little. When it's working, it's not hurting. If it hurts, and it often does, I am free to rest and change direction without begging for permission. I'll  plant another row presently. Beats bimbling around in sniffling crowds.

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