Tuesday 18 May 2021

As all potential tomorrows pile up waiting to be claimed. We head back to the best of all possible futures.


Strawberries  are getting planted on every wall and curb at the paths edge.  Close to hand without risking the grow zones being trampled down. Because we don't walk between rows we may plant more intensively; weeds are more easily pulled out from friable soil. 

Fruit is already setting, looks to promise a good season. Several varieties of strawberries ensures a longer season. We often find fruit as late as early November,  Grown ups don't get a look in that late in the season. The proceeds of picking tend to end up immediately in the mouths of visiting kids.

 It used to be plain mud covered with a polypropaline sheet. It is now home to Silver Birch, A good fruiting nectarine tree, wild sown. Hazel, Elder there are a couple of nectarine seedlings in there somewhere and a most productive young walnut tree.

The peas are starting  to climb...

A row of Redcurrant bushes thrive against the neighbours fence. His side is predominantly flowering shrubs. The combined effect is pleasant enough. Easier on the eye than the Barbed wire, more sociable at least.

 Sweet Cicely in bloom, a fine aromatic edible herb. The roots may be eaten like carrots, the plant has a flavour reminiscent of anise, liquorice or fennel. I wont mention it's ancient medicinal virtues. You have to do some of the headwork and research yourselves.... If you are truly interested.

 White Night Scented Stock, (Julien);  many shades appearing around the garden,from deep violet through pink to white. I have not studied the boxwood hedge and the stone curb from this angle. It works for me.

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