Saturday 4 September 2021

Dobri Dyen, Moy Droog... Ayup, the Russian One.

 My token "Hello". I haven't got to know any Russian People. The closest I got to it was busking in France years ago. Stas was (?is),a good Celtic (Irish style) whistler.  A lot of fuss seems to have been made in the Western world about the dangers posed by the "post Soviet" progress. For the record, I have never been a gullible believer. At the time of the "cold war" they started teaching me Russian. They were just starting to experiment with language labs. I enjoyed the lessons sadly now mostly forgotten. Taken out of school too early. My attitudes to the modern Liberalised Socialism post war were considered too rebellious back then, my guardians  took little interest in my schooling. At seventeen they "sold me down the river" to serve at the rich man's table as a silver service waiter. I dropped out. Exploitative,"Lakeland Trust" scheme, a residential eighteen hour day on permanent call to affluent clientelle,all for five pounds a week. It wasn't a home I wanted to live in. I dropped out.I've been "out" ever since.Get in contact "Russian One", if you have the wit or the will, we are easily found.  Honest amicable exchange over manipulative propaganda bullshit. We all benefit from learning to make friends, one at a time.It's been a long road since coming into my majority in sixty nine.I'm pushing seventy on an uphill climb. Working on the "Big Finale". It'll likely be years before I'm gone forever, but time is of the essence if anyone out there has notions of jamming together. You don't need a ticket.

That's me over here....

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