Tuesday 5 October 2021

Riding the ever changing weather... Regardless of urban opinion on climate.


Nooz from the Izdom of Iz...Adapting to the needs of our sustainable, life supporting amenity, our garden home. We have been leaning heavily on the tiller for a long time steering the vehicle of our small field towards the direction  where both the people and diverse plant life are accommodated, in what I believe is an achievable State of Grace. We find ourselves permanently in "Study and Practice" mode. Constantly learning for service. The dividend on the invested work  exsists in abundance beyond any need for protesting manifestation. 

Today is a sunny blustery cool Autumnal day. Nature doesn't have a strict calender.

 We are preparing for winter. Picking up walnuts today. Found a lot of space while hoeing weeds to transplant a load of leeks.. First harvest of round chillies.The first Butternut squash and a bunch of yellow Zucchini.. The Sunflower heads will be kept for the chickens, some kept back for fabric dye. There is a big row of "mongrel" Coco beans from Marie Therese's potager. The product of her random bean seed saving. A good mix. We are going to have to figure out what we can do with a glut of Turnips,(navet). We will store some for the stew pot, for as long as possible. Maybe the sheep would like a share. We will assuredly be giving a lot away. The rabbits will enjoy the left overs.

Our Brassicas are doing well. The shelter from the wind, afforded by the Runner Bean walls provides an ideal atmospheric, micro climate. Kale, Broccoli; Cabbage and Brussell Sprouts. All adapted to cool conditions. There will be more Beetroot for pickling soon. Another bin of apples to peel... Wow! October Grapes. Phew.... Plenty of other stuff to get on with when alls done. I'll take the secatures and the hedge clippers out on the off chance I get the urge to clip and prune. I've done with Typing for now...It's worse than talking....I. Wazir

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