Monday 11 October 2021

Sunday, a good yesterday to remember...


The Resurgence... The tramp with an amp returns to Plelan Le Grande, market. A cool sunny day;A lot of worried looks as masked faces trudged past what became an island of chatty sociable sunshining people. Happy i was my tunes could be heard way down the street... without complaint...Kids homed in to find where the sound was coming from. Some fantastic "freestyle" dancing,little uns knee high level. Some squatted down to gawp and listen. Shy kids , unsure, hid behind grown ups' legs gradually pushing parents closer. One gentleman made a present to me of a Baroque flute..One trader gave a melon. A girl gave me a Brioche from her parents bread stall across the street. It was good. I got to play some occarina boogie woogie for a guy who was learning at home. . I ended up divulging the secret of the one hole flute to him. He got it, I don't doubt he'll make one. His son seemed keen. I got to make jokes that some folk actually laughed at.  Some of my tunes were heaven sent, I did my best not to spoil them. When the market closed coffee and convivial conversation in the terrasse  with trader friends then home.

That morning had been spent at a "Troc Plante", an exchange "market". Scores of people with all manner of green foliage. Vegetable seeds and seedlings, Shrubs and hedging, herbs, flowers . Folk young and old. men and women boys and girls. No shortage of keen gardeners here. I found a ptretty spot under a walnut tree, finding some comfort in the fine log seat on the corner of a small green. A great place for my tootling flutings is that St. Thuriel. Here's hoping I get a chance to do it again.  The town still has a smile on it's face. It heped to put a smile on mine.

Things to do today... Transplant some frisee lettuce, Continue digging the top circle . Unearth a neglected row of potatoes.Cut back and rationalise White currant bushes. Remove the non productive wood. Encourage fresh growth. What ever else takes my fancy. There is no camera, so there are no pictures.

 Before I forget... "Ayup" one and all. Thanks for your time and attention.

HORROR !   On leaving the house to attend to my work a tractor driven sprayer has filled the air with aerosol fungicide or pesticide. It's not safe to engage in heavy manual aerobic work.  The need for all living entities ...clean ,breathable non toxic , oxygenated air, What are the chances of that?  I'll wait a while and let the poison settle.... 

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