Friday, 26 March 2010

Collusion in institutional Human Rights Abuse in Britain by P.D. N.H.S. TRUST AND DYFED-POWYS POLICE. An unresolved issue

I don't cultivate friends , they either are or they aren't naturally. I kind of got used to living beyond the marginal fringe of the mainstream of society, "Not run of the mill" was one disturbing phrase that comes to mind as though the person expected me to conform to some government approved standardised criteria, I wasn't factory born. That same person endorsed the expression, "Identified risk factor- ECCENTRIC", It is on the record. A small matter, a few scratchy words in a semi literate hand writing. As yet I have had no satisfactory explanation of what the definition is meant to imply. There are no legal or medical precedents. It wasn't a classification of any kind of illness. The persons name is Dr. Foreman,a practicing psychiatric consultant. Dr. Foreman refused to discuss the justification of the abuse of psychiatric drugs to assist in what I allege was a cover up of bad policing. The head of the force that screwed up was a man called Paul Amphlett. I would hazard a guess that both the Dr. and the Chief Superintendent may have felt divinely gifted, exalted by their professional titles. Some folk get that way I am bound to have to accept. Both people have in my view let down their profession and those they are sworn to serve . I am not likely to let them off, not ever. Usual complaints procedure ensures that there is little chance of professional wrongdoers being transparently brought to account. Delays are caused by closing of ranks to obviate risk of claims for medical negligence or Police malpractice.
Pembrokeshire and Derwen N.H.S. Trust as well as the Dyfed-Powys police, must I believe be brought to account, publicly if necessary. The intelligence was hard won. the damage will be with me so too my vivid recollection for the rest of my life. Abuse of professional status being used to service the unmandated personal politics against statutory codes of conduct. Much slackness at the top end of the pyramid allows lives to be put at risk at the pyramids base. Amphlett tells me I cannot substantiate my claim. Foreman refused to talk.
It doesn't make my well founded allegations any less true. I accuse.
There are others, their memory may not be as resilient as mine seems to be. They are trapped on paper now. Much incriminating correspondence exists. The executive needs to be put in the spotlight. I tried to deal with the matter discretely, Racially specific toxic medicine with twenty times greater chance of permanent damage to Asians and persons of mixed cultural origin than to those some forms refer to as White British. I have been forced to run the gauntlet many times. I have had to put on hold my efforts to gain Effective Remedy, preoccupied with establishing a home with a view to making a family. I couldn't allow a child to grow up subject to the risks that I have had to endure. Exile it appears is my only viable option. I am a refugee by the definition of the Geneva Convention. It has taken a little time to get settled but now I feel ready to address the problems identified as a grave cause for public concern. D.C. Rhiannon Thomas in Carmarthen H.Q. told me that Paul Amphlett had instructed her to not investigate the part the police played. He being the senior officer in Haverfordwest police station with whom I have cause for legitimate complaint. That she may deny having told me or that her senior officer did not instruct her as I allege she had told me is not a matter for my own concern. My memory is clear, I am only physically damaged.Some folk are prone to distort the truth when it suits their career prospects. One hopes D.C. Thomas is not one of those. It is also hoped, in the interests of justice that she is not prone to periods of temporary amnesia. A none too good a job of investigating allegations against the psychiatric services in collusion with the police. Terrence Grange is gone, resigned amidst allegations of bad practice, likely to bring the force into disrepute. He passed the buck to Amphlett, who in turn it appears did as little as humanly possible to assist an effective and equitable outcome.
Perhaps it would seem improbable now that any good at all would come of my agitating , I am not bleating for sympathy to fill my own pockets. It isn't about me.Medical negligence isn't the issue. Whatever passes for a Professional Standards watchdog in both the N.H.S. Psychiatric Services and the Police Service must bear to understand fully the implications of what I allege may only be described as gross criminal neglect. An unmandated abuse of service that allows discredited ideologies virtual carte blanche to target and victimise marginalised individuals by the misuse of medicine to inflict "summary justice" in the form of a most sadistic, cruel and unusual punishment. Out of court settlements in medical negligence claims are conditional on the victim signing away right of expression, a contractual gag in effect. A nice little earner if the favoured law firm is in the know and can expedite matters on the nod. "A case of dip yer bread and say nothing". The gravy train is kept running for the next hapless victim to be entrapped. Legal it most certainly is not.Else why wasn't the Mental Health Amendment Bill passed, why would it be needed to pass into statute if it was already mandated by Parliament. There is a pile of stuff that needs to be put before someone who is empowered to do something positive to prevent further abuse of "loopholes of convenience". My previous efforts have been steered as far away as possible from any remedy that might serve the public at large. It is a Human Rights Issue that it appears no institutional executive wishes to do anything about. It is possibly a vain hope though not a forlorn one that someone will push the dominoes over to bring matters to the attention of folk who may be empowered to do the necessary good. We will see. The statute of limitations clock is not yet started on the institutional criminal neglect of statutory duty. Time passes without the assurance that others will not be unduly abused by those the state endorses and encourages the electorate to trust. Trust is continually being broken. We frowned on news of the old Soviet Union using Chemical Cosh to silence dissidents. The British population may have cause to raise one fat arsed lazy eyebrow on learning that the same methods have been employed in Britain without legal mandate for many years. There is more on the subject and there will be more to come. I am not so disadvantaged now, it is difficult to achieve much good whilst enduring penury homelessness and debilitating physical illness. I tried at the time through what complacent officials call "usual complaints procedures";"SOMETIMES THINGS GO WRONG" was the title of one of the memorable leaflets I was handed when attempting to gain remedy. They certainly do sez I, and there is nothing concrete nor tangible that a victim may practically do about it . Many thousands of people may be put at risk far more than the statistical need for the contingency of anti psychotics. Many people have already been systematically abused. Common knowledge of the effect the toxic medicines would have on targeted individuals would suggest to me at least that the abuse is far from accidental. Who would give credence to a victims witness testimony. They have sold the hospital to the private sector, now there is even less chance without firm revised regulation that private faceless networks may exercise their criminal pre war liberal unreconstructed ideology. Get this straight one and all I wasn't a patient. What I experienced and what I witnessed was wrong by every moral and legal standard. Crazy isn't a medical condition it is a term of abuse.Unqualified opinion based on prejudice has no standing in law. Every one is at risk.
So who is up for doing something practical about it? What else may I personally do? If you are "Black", "Asian", or Irish there is statistically eight times greater chance of being unduly processed , that is illegally, and subject to acts of gross cruelty whilst being detained in a "place of safety" than the average "white", alcohol crazed football hooligan.
Over decades all parties have failed in their duty of care. The Nelsonian view prefered. No one ever wants to rock that boat too hard. One is prone to pose the question,"WHY?"
Neglectful omission by design perhaps. Not being a fan of conspiracty theory I would rather the matter be taken up in a public forum and aired transparently. As far as I am concerned, as one of the walking wounded, extra pyramidal side effects symptomatic, will have to be endured for my lifetime, worsening I would dare to guess as I get older.Tardive dyskensia,Severe tooth shattering Brooksism and photosensitive eyes being the main cause of distress. HELLO IS ANYONE OUT THERE, My hypothesis is proven by experience. The FAST TRACK TO HELL IS A REALITY IN BRITAIN TODAY,and tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow... Until something is done to stop it. I will leave you with that for now. Push the dominoes over if you can reach them.
(c)RaggedMan Promotions

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