Saturday 23 April 2011

Facing north on the western perimeter...

The view from halfway,(up,down?). There's a lot in the picture. Absolute front and centre,is a young "Mirabelle" type plum tree. A gift from Joel. Behind that a row of raspberries grown on from one utterly miserable pot bound "throw away" specimen They are short in stature this year but next years fruiting canes will be over a metre tall. It is a four metre row. On the left after the raspberry canes is a thornless bramble, the fruit are sugar sweet three quarters of an inch across.The bramble masks off two small compost bins. Just visible on the left a barrel of comfrey "soup", liquid feed. On the right is a row of early peas, now in their first flower.A patch of comfrey,next , we keep cutting the leaf for use as a mulch on other beds.
Behind that ... I beam with pride at the rhubarb. We brought a small piece of root from our previous garden home in Ireland. It likes it here. Standing near five feet tall already. We will split it this year and give away some good start up plants to a few good homes.
Difficult to see without zooming close, the onion bed and the greengage plum.
The green horizontal mass at the far distance marks the end of the potager. It is the wet end of the garden. Shaded by the neighbours barn for a third of the day. Ideal for the golden ossier hedge cultivated from sticks to provide materials for tissage, basket weaving. I hope you enjoyed the visit. It is a long way from mature but the results are encouraging. You might stop by in reality sometime.

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