Friday, 30 April 2021
Avoiding disaster...
I have just seen a couple of documentaries about the dangers of growing Chinese Wisteria, it is capable of destroying a small woodland. Not what we had planned for the future of our permaculture. We are grubbing it up, clearing it out completely root stem and seed. The plants will be burned for potash. We will sterilise the soil and transfer it to the centre of the circle. Reclaiming stones for our ever expanding construction.Geo engineering a humane integrated civilised micro habitat...
Thursday, 29 April 2021
Wednesday, 28 April 2021
Tuesday, 27 April 2021
Help me find my friend Stas.(Somewhere in Russia.)
Ayup(or Pryviet if you prefer)... Who in Russia is reading, my blog? Thinks I to mysef,"I wonder what ever happened to Stas". Somebody may be able to make contact with him and pass the message on, an act of kindness would be greatly appreciated.
Identifiable factors that may assist of what I know,(I hope I breach no confidence). Stas is by his own description of Finnish origin. His family moved to what I believe is now called St. Petersberg. Stas is probably the best none Irish penny whistle player I have heard. He plays transverse flute also. We traded instruments,My Romanian Pan pipes for a hand made flute of sycamore or maple. With his undeniable talent he should be good to utterly amazing on the panpipes by now. He was homesick, wanted to help his mother to harvest the potatoes. We assisted him towards his journey homeward, then we heard no more. His claim to have learned and practiced his music on the street in Russia.I believe him, the majority of my learning was also practiced streetside,Homeless but not completely unhappy with the creative occupation to distract me. We busked in the streets of Nantes with others from Russia and an Italian flute player called Jonathon. I had the feeling at the time that he was being cheated out of his well earned share of donated proceeds. Alex promoted himself as the boss leader of the vagabond troupe. He having sole access to the bank without account to his colleagues in the group. Kept his cards too close to his chest, did Wunderkind Alex. I didn't like him on immediate contact. I will leave that story for Stas to relate.
I am not playing my Bhodran much these days, it could do with some playmates. Table companions, eating together, and making good healthy noises together as an ensemble. I continue blowing my own flooting melodies. Can't play the street music till the Present iPhoney Masquerade has ended.. It needs to be heard. Masks are detrimental to my health. I now have to practice indoors with the Empty Hat Band.
Can you help us find a long lost Friend? These are the only clues to aid finding him that I may give.
I hope someone out there will give my message a nudge in the right direction. Good Luck. From Reinold. ...I.Wazir.
Monday, 26 April 2021
Seriously, is freedom" just another word for nothing left to lose"...? I don't think so.
I am singularly unimpressed by the mass protest in London. Popular groupthink achieves little when manifest without a pre emptive due process strategy. Retrospective protest shuts the stable door after the horse has bolted. The Iraq war was not stopped by a million people protesting once the war had started. Exciting Telly, hey what?
Near enough a million protested in the"Fight for the right to work" March, some years earlier. A desperate dumbed down poorly informed worker population begging to be exploited by capitalist employers,yelling their dumb arsed slogan at the Government buildings. The architecture has no ears. If that is manifest as the Mass expression of freedom then there can be little understanding of what natural freedom actually is.Imagine a million people preparing a row each of vegetables. Digging, sowing, planting, weeding zero food miles, zero undignified food queues. If you haven't a patch of your own help someone who has. Take the control of the food supply out of Big Ag hands. Youthful muscle and intelligence could be put to more practical applications. Build a forge bash scrap iron, make a pottery kiln make your own. Can't get a pint, Brew your own. Learn to cook for the best health of your family. Most of what we may end up doing best would not be learned in the Madding Crowd.Withdraw service to exploitative cash starved economic gamble. They gamble with money that is not rightly theirs, they lose, we all do.
Abandoning the out dated , Left, Right and centre paradigm made more sense to me than just looking at a reflected image for answers. The court of King Louis is dead and gone. my one sided view,the one Last World noble cause in perpetual support of life. We pulled out of supporting the Big Mistake a long time ago. Hey chaps, it works for us. It has never been easy, no walk of life is. The dividend of our action sustains us. The satisfaction is immense. It keeps us off the streets don"t you know. Leads us to a better place than the police front line saves having to cry out loud to deafened ears. Witness useful idiots fearful of standing or acting in their own cognisance, that means alone. Hiding in the crowd then rushing home to search for their own image captured by photo opportunists "at the demo".
We are as poor as house mice. Making a good fist of it mind you. The mortgage will be paid off this month. The few resources we have been able to collect will help buy time till our workshop facility is completed. We don't masquerade, my previous marriage was spent with a covert narcissisist, enough of masks. I want to see the true faces. Our immune systems appear strong, I expected nothing else.
Today I notice two readers from Russia and one from Sweden. Five in France, five in Portugal one in G.B. and fifty three in U.S.A. With no political bias to any, welcome and thanks to all . I.Wazir.
Saturday, 24 April 2021
By the time you read this we'll be gone. We live in the future of the retrospective image.
A Hoe in the Hedge Fund...
Thursday, 22 April 2021
Wednesday, 21 April 2021
April 20 a date to remember...Anne-Sophie's Birthday.
Monday, 19 April 2021
On going details...
Sunday, 18 April 2021
Nothing will ever be the same again...
Tulips, there was one now there's four...