Saturday 24 April 2021

A Hoe in the Hedge Fund...

Siberian Wallflowers, (Brassica family).

The plot thickens, it proves we never lost it. The mortgage will be paid off this month. The ongoing investment of work returns a greater dividend as a harvestable profit every season On the right of the photo, the blue water bin (one of five), will act as a retaining wall the gap will be in filled with soil. We are building a small hill. It's going well. The greenhouse will be housed for the most part, underground.. Maximise the growing space by avoiding the need to walk between edible crops. We can reach most of the growing crops with long handled tools. Once the top ridge is in place some flat stepping stones will not only accomodate a convenient place to stand, but will also act as water run offs for the overspill from the bins. This little patch has big ambition for the coming season. Strawberries, Swiss Chard, Schallots, Cabbage, Potatoes, Beetroot, Stick Beans,Tomatoes, Climbing beans and Courgettes, with a smattering of rogue self seeded flowers and lettuce.

 Weeds and waste gradually become soil. This patch will be growing in height once the centre bed is vacated. This is facing North. I will be doing a lot more of that with time. The poles are the begining of the Runner bean support. A clear sky, a beautiful day.

The sunny side of the mound,early bluebells and young silver birch.

The black bin gives some idea of scale.

Walnut catkins...

 It used to be windswept shadeless mud.

 Peony promises many blooms.

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