Monday, 23 May 2022

Outside Inside...

 Tomato plants climbing their supports,set about with clumps of Basil.The Chayote has reached the ceiling. Salad awaits transplanting.There is Aubergine some Squash and a Sweet Potato plant. On the other side of the back wall, a thriving patch of Sweet corn.

It won't be long before we're eating these fast growing Globe Navets.
 More Brassicca seedlings ,ready for the great outdoor adventure. There are Scallions sown between the brasicca rows ,  When the Greens have been relocated the purple Scallions will have the patch to themselves.
A rare chance opportunity to catch Anne-So resting.
There 's my Vietnamese Hoe.  I've been searching for it over most of an afternoon., Lettuce and baby Carrots are looking good.
Memorialising  Smudge Sitting on my lap for the first time. I played him to sleep with a little Smudgy Lullaby.

 A touch of Shangrila, Pagoda flowers that produce chocolate flavour berries. A clump of pink and white Daisies,Saxifrage and Boxwood lead up the garden path. The bricks are destined to become the base of an outdoor oven.
Red Hazel....Nice view.

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