So much for having faith in outside assistance. Ooblee Dooblee and a few other tunes have disappeared from My blog.I haven't got the time with the amount of other work to learn and master the technology. I had some Tunes on the archive that I was assured would stay there. Perhaps our definitions of sustainable differ. Conditional on what? is the question. As though all the words in the world will mean something else if you don't keep paying money. They were posted via someone else's server. I guess he didn't pay his bill. Then I heard his lap top was stolen. since he has a new one now and his current interests are not the same as the ones he had during his original computer he has possibly just not bothered to renew his past account. Who knows? My eyes couldn't take more than the irritation they endure at present. They are photo sensitive. It is as much as I want to bear to type without harming them anymore learning new tricks screenside. Is it just my perception that needs adjusting or is the percentage of children needing spectacles growing. Summats up thats for sure. Looks that way to me, In my youth all children were tested in school. I remember having it done several times. National health glasses were easily got through the National program. no child need be disadvantaged rich or poor. Hardly any of the kids in a poor mining area had glasses. It was a fairly rare sight. I see a lot more now. Presumably they aren't wearing them just to look cool. So Wassup???
In the bad old days of child exploitation in Europe children were used to do fine craft work Silk tatting for the lace industry being one that immediately comes to mind. Economic necessity forced families to compromise the care of their offspring in poor families every one that could contribute to keep bellies full at home did so. Now in the days of conspicuous consumerism and excessive waste we give children the means to scorch the optic nerves without control or adequate supervision. Super vision, what a laugh. Scary innit? They'd never allow that now would they. Anyway they can't prove it.
Ever hear of screen cleaners? Ever wonder why they are needed? Light can photo engrave a plate of glass. It is worth thinking about at any rate. I have little faith that many will. The optician told me recently that if I use my eyes for reading the screen , fixed focus, they would rapidly get worse. He wasn't wrong. Another problem caused by screenside light is it is radial light not parralel. This is tiring my head. I'll give it a rest. I doubt that there is as much as one person in a million who cares enough and is empowererd enough to do anything about it. Who Cares?
Earth day, I had to smile. One day a year. It hardly touches the surface. One blessed day to show that we give a minute part of a god forsaken damn. I am glad they did it though the result could be quite illuminating.Our village gdoesn't have street light and that is the way we like it. Wish you were here.
Saturday, 31 March 2012
Blowing the whistle...
I have just been sent a clip of Jim and Fred,busking in London, Brick Lane I think, doesn't matter where, Cable St. happen. I think I have broken my toe. Browsing Jim and Fred's Youtube presence did cheer me up, thanks. They would be welcome to a stopover here if ever they fancied chancing to lively up the streets of Rennes. It is a permanent offer so don't worry about the ticket going out of date, someone might find them to pass the message on.
I used to busk in London years ago, When the moon was young and I was just a barefoot lad. In retrospect I amazed that I managed to live at all on the proceeds. It took nearly two years to have enough left over after basic living expenses to put shoes on my size 13 feet. I have done a lot of it since then but I reckon there may not be many places I would want to do it in London Today. In those days it was a great place to practice without upsetting neighbours. I recently visited my son in Hackney, Tried to cover my travelling and eating expenses by playing my Ooblie Dooblie tunes on the street. I had to knock it on the head in short order. I do believe I have improved since 1970, the air quality just made me canary fall off it's perch, "not worth it" thinks I. It took weeks to cough up the blackened phlegmy horror stories. Even smoking never did that to me. It is well I heed the warning. I tried the many pedestrian areas, on every occasion I ended up with jobsworth security men stand in front of my face, one wonders if being tone deaf and culturally blind is a qualification for the job. Some of the Security people, Could barely grunt in English, so reasoning with polite conversation was out of the question. Unfit for service iz my view. Spital fields has a Charter I thought it would give me license. I don't think the Security men can read well enough to understand that by rights I was out of their juristiction. I don't want to stand on their brewery sponsored logo splattered "official" pitches. I rarely touch the stuff . Me dad was an object lesson to me as a child as to what alcohol can do. It isn't good. Enough damage done in my little life without encouraging people to inflict similar undue misery on their families.I would be damned to hell before I condescend to having to beg for a license to play. I am not a Liveried Wait of old.I am not a clubby type nor a pubby as a rule. My little Cube amp hardly lifts my sound over the noise of the traffic, and there comes a point where the amount of decibels required destroys the intended quality of the tunes. At one stage I found an arch under a railway bridge totally covered in low grade graffiti mainly black. Hardly any passers by it wasn't an inviting place to pass though. A street sign in the middle of it had been vandalised, the pole was leaning over and bent. A grim place to play. I wasn't feeling too sunny it seemed to fit my mood, I had already walked miles searching for a decent pitch. I needed to rest a while , I figured that if I closed my eyes I could distract myself from the filth for a while and get into a few wholesome melodies. not Two minutes into my tunes and a security man was in my face. I would rather mek music than be forced to argue the toss with prison guards. I saved my breath for later. My mood was verging on martial. Britons may never never never be slaves (Oh no?) They may ever ever ever be prisoners is my two penn'th. I heard that the local council had sanctioned the daubing of the arch with heavy metal toxic car paint. Truly poisonous shite, as their solution to the graffiti problem.It doesn't speak well of their attitude to the health and safety of kids who still think it is cool to sniff solvents and absorb hazardous pigments In the name of art and liberal tolerance.More security hassles up above by the river , "book months ahead by email, blah de bloody blah blah." No place in London for me Ooblie Dooblie.
Used to be I could play up there.It were right nice. Queen Elizabeth hall area. One clean tunnel walkway from York Rd entrance of Waterloo Station to the Festival Hall. It was one of my favourite busking haunts, between trains roaring overhead. Tidy folk promenading of an evening. Concert goers and what not. Busked up the Ticket to see Stefan Grapelli one time , got out before the applause had died down and busked the money back from the well happy crowd. It was probably his fault that I still doggedly blow my tube at all. I found a pile of old seventyeights in a rubbish box as a kid played them on a borrowed Phillips portable record player. Hot Club de Paris. and Django Reinhardt real inspiration. Jah's music for sure. When the classical orchestras were playing the orchestras regularly threw money from the window of the bar in the intermission. Those were the days when I didn't have to ask sir for permission to express my thanks to god in the open street with the joyful gift of music.
Even when the streets were being cleared in preparation for a police convention , the incoming crowd dressed to the nines tuxedos and wives dripping with fur and jewelery. I had just had a rush and was tidying up my loose change scattered about my patch. Two policemen spotted me and decided to give me the bums rush. I objected. They hadn't heard me playing. They had only just noticed me, so it couldn't have been motivated by their taste in music. I was committing no nuisance. They had to admit .
Both men pulled out their radios and told me to play, after a three minute burst they stopped me and ask their controller,"What do you think sarj?" "Yea he's alright." came the smirking voice in reply. Fair play to all , not just for our team or theirs.
Those days are over for London I guess. Nowadays, breathing in is hard enough with the volume of car exhaust and the many other industrial pollutants, but breathing out with nothing more thana muffled whisper until you get home is too much to bear.
Remember London Smog,"Pea soup" they called the stuff. And remember with a bit of long overdue respect that man Robert Maxwell. He introduced the Clean Air Act to Parliament. It is a sad fact that even though the air is not green and opaque, it is definitely not truly fit to breath. Long term effects ? who knows? Most of the toxins in the air are invisible to the eye. God help the atheletes who were brought up and trained in clean environments, during the Olympics. An unacceptable risk and an unfair handicap.
I'm still blowing my tube at sixty. I confess to loving it. 46 years practice my street music,relegated to a "Strictly Kitchen" genre now. There's an up side, No one hassles me to move on, no one tries to steal my small change.I don't have to mix with obnoxious, near brain dead alcoholics out for a good time. Best of all the air is clean. I might be tootling me Ooblie Dooblie for a few decades more with a favourable wind.
A small blessing, not to be sniffed at. The down side is that I'm usually the only one who hears my racket. I could record, for some strange reason , when I am up for playing flute I rarely connect with the bit of me that is meant to press the record button. there is not much of my music in my sound archive that I would call "my best" and "honest injun " it really does get better by each passing season.
I might have to start breeding canaries if I am going to reach the audience. Birds only sing when they are at peace. It is something I am quite partial to myself. On a good day, happen we could tek turns in my forth coming street side concerts.
I doubt I will ever play flute in London again. Difficult with a double carbon filter gas mask over my face and the threat of violence from ex Red Army economic migrants acting as security. Farewell my darling Albion. Dark times ahead for you.
I hope to see A few Foot tapping Brits in the streets of Rennes someday. Until then Au revoir.
I used to busk in London years ago, When the moon was young and I was just a barefoot lad. In retrospect I amazed that I managed to live at all on the proceeds. It took nearly two years to have enough left over after basic living expenses to put shoes on my size 13 feet. I have done a lot of it since then but I reckon there may not be many places I would want to do it in London Today. In those days it was a great place to practice without upsetting neighbours. I recently visited my son in Hackney, Tried to cover my travelling and eating expenses by playing my Ooblie Dooblie tunes on the street. I had to knock it on the head in short order. I do believe I have improved since 1970, the air quality just made me canary fall off it's perch, "not worth it" thinks I. It took weeks to cough up the blackened phlegmy horror stories. Even smoking never did that to me. It is well I heed the warning. I tried the many pedestrian areas, on every occasion I ended up with jobsworth security men stand in front of my face, one wonders if being tone deaf and culturally blind is a qualification for the job. Some of the Security people, Could barely grunt in English, so reasoning with polite conversation was out of the question. Unfit for service iz my view. Spital fields has a Charter I thought it would give me license. I don't think the Security men can read well enough to understand that by rights I was out of their juristiction. I don't want to stand on their brewery sponsored logo splattered "official" pitches. I rarely touch the stuff . Me dad was an object lesson to me as a child as to what alcohol can do. It isn't good. Enough damage done in my little life without encouraging people to inflict similar undue misery on their families.I would be damned to hell before I condescend to having to beg for a license to play. I am not a Liveried Wait of old.I am not a clubby type nor a pubby as a rule. My little Cube amp hardly lifts my sound over the noise of the traffic, and there comes a point where the amount of decibels required destroys the intended quality of the tunes. At one stage I found an arch under a railway bridge totally covered in low grade graffiti mainly black. Hardly any passers by it wasn't an inviting place to pass though. A street sign in the middle of it had been vandalised, the pole was leaning over and bent. A grim place to play. I wasn't feeling too sunny it seemed to fit my mood, I had already walked miles searching for a decent pitch. I needed to rest a while , I figured that if I closed my eyes I could distract myself from the filth for a while and get into a few wholesome melodies. not Two minutes into my tunes and a security man was in my face. I would rather mek music than be forced to argue the toss with prison guards. I saved my breath for later. My mood was verging on martial. Britons may never never never be slaves (Oh no?) They may ever ever ever be prisoners is my two penn'th. I heard that the local council had sanctioned the daubing of the arch with heavy metal toxic car paint. Truly poisonous shite, as their solution to the graffiti problem.It doesn't speak well of their attitude to the health and safety of kids who still think it is cool to sniff solvents and absorb hazardous pigments In the name of art and liberal tolerance.More security hassles up above by the river , "book months ahead by email, blah de bloody blah blah." No place in London for me Ooblie Dooblie.
Used to be I could play up there.It were right nice. Queen Elizabeth hall area. One clean tunnel walkway from York Rd entrance of Waterloo Station to the Festival Hall. It was one of my favourite busking haunts, between trains roaring overhead. Tidy folk promenading of an evening. Concert goers and what not. Busked up the Ticket to see Stefan Grapelli one time , got out before the applause had died down and busked the money back from the well happy crowd. It was probably his fault that I still doggedly blow my tube at all. I found a pile of old seventyeights in a rubbish box as a kid played them on a borrowed Phillips portable record player. Hot Club de Paris. and Django Reinhardt real inspiration. Jah's music for sure. When the classical orchestras were playing the orchestras regularly threw money from the window of the bar in the intermission. Those were the days when I didn't have to ask sir for permission to express my thanks to god in the open street with the joyful gift of music.
Even when the streets were being cleared in preparation for a police convention , the incoming crowd dressed to the nines tuxedos and wives dripping with fur and jewelery. I had just had a rush and was tidying up my loose change scattered about my patch. Two policemen spotted me and decided to give me the bums rush. I objected. They hadn't heard me playing. They had only just noticed me, so it couldn't have been motivated by their taste in music. I was committing no nuisance. They had to admit .
Both men pulled out their radios and told me to play, after a three minute burst they stopped me and ask their controller,"What do you think sarj?" "Yea he's alright." came the smirking voice in reply. Fair play to all , not just for our team or theirs.
Those days are over for London I guess. Nowadays, breathing in is hard enough with the volume of car exhaust and the many other industrial pollutants, but breathing out with nothing more thana muffled whisper until you get home is too much to bear.
Remember London Smog,"Pea soup" they called the stuff. And remember with a bit of long overdue respect that man Robert Maxwell. He introduced the Clean Air Act to Parliament. It is a sad fact that even though the air is not green and opaque, it is definitely not truly fit to breath. Long term effects ? who knows? Most of the toxins in the air are invisible to the eye. God help the atheletes who were brought up and trained in clean environments, during the Olympics. An unacceptable risk and an unfair handicap.
I'm still blowing my tube at sixty. I confess to loving it. 46 years practice my street music,relegated to a "Strictly Kitchen" genre now. There's an up side, No one hassles me to move on, no one tries to steal my small change.I don't have to mix with obnoxious, near brain dead alcoholics out for a good time. Best of all the air is clean. I might be tootling me Ooblie Dooblie for a few decades more with a favourable wind.
A small blessing, not to be sniffed at. The down side is that I'm usually the only one who hears my racket. I could record, for some strange reason , when I am up for playing flute I rarely connect with the bit of me that is meant to press the record button. there is not much of my music in my sound archive that I would call "my best" and "honest injun " it really does get better by each passing season.
I might have to start breeding canaries if I am going to reach the audience. Birds only sing when they are at peace. It is something I am quite partial to myself. On a good day, happen we could tek turns in my forth coming street side concerts.
I doubt I will ever play flute in London again. Difficult with a double carbon filter gas mask over my face and the threat of violence from ex Red Army economic migrants acting as security. Farewell my darling Albion. Dark times ahead for you.
I hope to see A few Foot tapping Brits in the streets of Rennes someday. Until then Au revoir.
Labels:Eco Logic
Ooblie Dooblie. Iz music.I. Wazir.
Oh no... not more rocks...
I think I would hate to visit this little bourg in the high tourist season.It was a quiet sunny day few folk wandering around gawping at some really beautiful bits of architecture.To my way of thinking they should get rid of the cars and bring back donkeys with paniers and horse drawn carts.We were in the region to meet with a pavior. We couldn't get him on the phone so we chanced an on spec visit.We found his place but he was out. We will come back in a week or so. The Rochefort en Terre photos are just my way of making the best of a wasted journey.Useful data for my own work in progress.
Labels:Eco Logic
Rochefort en Terre.Iznibz Wazir
Friday, 30 March 2012
Shallots from last year's harvest will be this year's crop.
Labels:Eco Logic
from the Izdom of Iz,
Stoner news
Tuesday, 27 March 2012
The writing is on the wall...
"We've got authorisation." Graffiti man busy spraying a hoarding in a narrow walking street. Toxic solvents loaded with heavy metal pigments. Acetone, cadmium chromium, I am trying to breath whatever scrap of oxygen I can glean from the air already polluted by traffic exhaust.
Rennes has some quite beautiful street art, I have been so taken by the better examples that I photograph it for my own album. I like the mystery of the sudden appearance of the graphics without anyone ever seeing the artist at work.
The man standing in front of me oblivious to the public milling around him wasn't wearing a mask. His sole problem if he had been the only one in his working space.
I was feeling quite mellow until his poisonous effluent got up my nose. I kicked his cans across the street. I wanted to kick his arse. Resorted merely to delivering the hard word.
Industry is constrained and regulated by laws designed to protect life from avoidable hazard. The age of environmental awareness is upon us. Common knowledge of the damage that contents of aerosol car paint poses an unacceptable risk.
Authorised by whom? If it was just a casual "go ahead" from the construction firm on the other side of the board it hardly counts . It wasn't their responsibility. The public place is outside the builders juristriction. In that instance authorisation was not legitimate.
There was no documentary evidence produced . Only the word of A dull witted wannabe street credible, solvent abuser. The Marie then, hardly credible that authorisation would be given unconditionally. Authorisation would be documentary. That means in writing. Who accepts liability. Duty of care is both personal and corporate.
A great deal of fuss was made over me objecting vocally to what I regard as a physical attack to my person. "No one else is complaining" being one of the limp-wristed excuses offered. A crowd of dog faced can swiggers desperate for excitement had decided to complicate matters . The risk factor was in danger of reaching critical mass.
I managed to make my point to the man responsible for the spraying. My French isn't the best I never officially learned it. Shouting to be heard over six manic back up supporters.The "dog woman" warned that I "might " get bitten . Fool she was. It would have been the last morsel that dog would have ever tried to chew. She a pregnant woman took no heed of the potential harm she may have been subjecting her unborn child to. Heavy metal poisoning is not a trivial matter.
The painter could have done the job with minimum nuisance to the public if he had done the work at night. He could have used solvent free acrylic containing food grade pigments. much more economical than cans of car paint. He could have used a small compressor and an airbrush to execute the artwork. If authorisation was legitimate the area would have been cordoned of to minimise the potential risk in a public place. It is obligatory for the artisan to take every reasonable precaution to protect both self and others.
Having spent several years as an artisan toy maker with employees in my care, I am fully aware of the dangers of surface coatings. My duty to induct trainees into rights and obligations in industry. Even with fume extraction and double carbon filter masks the effect of the solvent fumes still takes it's toll.. My tolerance now after years in industry is almost zero. If I had ignored health and safety law and tried to operate without public liability insurance I would have been forced to close down my business. The big question as yet unanswered , " Who authorised the action?", Further more who, in the event of hurt harm and possible breaches of public order in objection to toxic attack, would carry the can, (that means,"take the blame when the shit hits the fan guys). The neglect of statutory obligation may be regarded as a criminal act.
May not be justly condoned as a legitimate right of freedom of expression. I was amazed that parents pushing infants in buggies with their children's faces at the same height as the spray, kept silent . There is a limit to liberal tolerance. In no one's interest to ignore the issue. The solvent junkies had overstepped the mark. Sure no one had objected. most folk are too timid, too busy or just couldn't give one caring damn.
The graffiti artists gave a bit of lipservice in agreement to objective reasoning. Then just continued to poison the walking street once I had walked beyond arms reach.
I still feel angry. The taste of the chemicals remained in my nose and throat for the whole 40km journey home.I just hope the sprayers weren't lying. About "authorisation" ,I mean.
The story isn't over. I feel I have just cause for complaint. You ruined my day lads. Authorisation without the conditional constraint in observance of European Health and Safety law, is an an act of criminal neglect. Naive wannabe artists have in their ignorance opened up a spray can of worms. Too late and way too difficult to put them back. Low grade artwork on a temporary hoarding is no moral justification for poisoning the air. If you must do it . Then try to ensure that you are the sole occupier of the immediate air space.
Bear in mind that even on a good day at least 30% of the pigment would be airborne. Never reaching it's intended target. Ever wondered where it might go? Or perhaps you haven't yet learned to care enough about some of the essential details of your craft.
Poison yourselves as you want but not at the expense of the passing public.
This will be translated into French fairly soon. I will do my best to get the message through to the bit of you that may still relate to common sense.
I will try to find out who the clever fellow was that you claim authorised your work.
They had no legitimate right. Again I say, "I hope you weren't lying", It would only be adding insult to injury. I will get back to you soon.
Rennes has some quite beautiful street art, I have been so taken by the better examples that I photograph it for my own album. I like the mystery of the sudden appearance of the graphics without anyone ever seeing the artist at work.
The man standing in front of me oblivious to the public milling around him wasn't wearing a mask. His sole problem if he had been the only one in his working space.
I was feeling quite mellow until his poisonous effluent got up my nose. I kicked his cans across the street. I wanted to kick his arse. Resorted merely to delivering the hard word.
Industry is constrained and regulated by laws designed to protect life from avoidable hazard. The age of environmental awareness is upon us. Common knowledge of the damage that contents of aerosol car paint poses an unacceptable risk.
Authorised by whom? If it was just a casual "go ahead" from the construction firm on the other side of the board it hardly counts . It wasn't their responsibility. The public place is outside the builders juristriction. In that instance authorisation was not legitimate.
There was no documentary evidence produced . Only the word of A dull witted wannabe street credible, solvent abuser. The Marie then, hardly credible that authorisation would be given unconditionally. Authorisation would be documentary. That means in writing. Who accepts liability. Duty of care is both personal and corporate.
A great deal of fuss was made over me objecting vocally to what I regard as a physical attack to my person. "No one else is complaining" being one of the limp-wristed excuses offered. A crowd of dog faced can swiggers desperate for excitement had decided to complicate matters . The risk factor was in danger of reaching critical mass.
I managed to make my point to the man responsible for the spraying. My French isn't the best I never officially learned it. Shouting to be heard over six manic back up supporters.The "dog woman" warned that I "might " get bitten . Fool she was. It would have been the last morsel that dog would have ever tried to chew. She a pregnant woman took no heed of the potential harm she may have been subjecting her unborn child to. Heavy metal poisoning is not a trivial matter.
The painter could have done the job with minimum nuisance to the public if he had done the work at night. He could have used solvent free acrylic containing food grade pigments. much more economical than cans of car paint. He could have used a small compressor and an airbrush to execute the artwork. If authorisation was legitimate the area would have been cordoned of to minimise the potential risk in a public place. It is obligatory for the artisan to take every reasonable precaution to protect both self and others.
Having spent several years as an artisan toy maker with employees in my care, I am fully aware of the dangers of surface coatings. My duty to induct trainees into rights and obligations in industry. Even with fume extraction and double carbon filter masks the effect of the solvent fumes still takes it's toll.. My tolerance now after years in industry is almost zero. If I had ignored health and safety law and tried to operate without public liability insurance I would have been forced to close down my business. The big question as yet unanswered , " Who authorised the action?", Further more who, in the event of hurt harm and possible breaches of public order in objection to toxic attack, would carry the can, (that means,"take the blame when the shit hits the fan guys). The neglect of statutory obligation may be regarded as a criminal act.
May not be justly condoned as a legitimate right of freedom of expression. I was amazed that parents pushing infants in buggies with their children's faces at the same height as the spray, kept silent . There is a limit to liberal tolerance. In no one's interest to ignore the issue. The solvent junkies had overstepped the mark. Sure no one had objected. most folk are too timid, too busy or just couldn't give one caring damn.
The graffiti artists gave a bit of lipservice in agreement to objective reasoning. Then just continued to poison the walking street once I had walked beyond arms reach.
I still feel angry. The taste of the chemicals remained in my nose and throat for the whole 40km journey home.I just hope the sprayers weren't lying. About "authorisation" ,I mean.
The story isn't over. I feel I have just cause for complaint. You ruined my day lads. Authorisation without the conditional constraint in observance of European Health and Safety law, is an an act of criminal neglect. Naive wannabe artists have in their ignorance opened up a spray can of worms. Too late and way too difficult to put them back. Low grade artwork on a temporary hoarding is no moral justification for poisoning the air. If you must do it . Then try to ensure that you are the sole occupier of the immediate air space.
Bear in mind that even on a good day at least 30% of the pigment would be airborne. Never reaching it's intended target. Ever wondered where it might go? Or perhaps you haven't yet learned to care enough about some of the essential details of your craft.
Poison yourselves as you want but not at the expense of the passing public.
This will be translated into French fairly soon. I will do my best to get the message through to the bit of you that may still relate to common sense.
I will try to find out who the clever fellow was that you claim authorised your work.
They had no legitimate right. Again I say, "I hope you weren't lying", It would only be adding insult to injury. I will get back to you soon.
Labels:Eco Logic
In the face graffiti spaying,
Thursday, 15 March 2012
Wednesday, 14 March 2012
Stoner nooz...
No photos for now... Later.
I will spend some time today bringing large rocks back down from the top of the field.Arduous to say the least. I could do with a delivery of small boulders. Sinful me, I find myself coveting other peoples rock piles. They can feel safe I'll not steal them.Every pebble to date has been honest got.
Last week we were blessed by a visitor. Lionel. He is packing panniers on his bicycle and pulling a trailer. He is looking for a place in France where he can settle down and live. We didn't have long to talk together. Happen I talked too much, it is rare for us to have company at home. He asked me what my garden project was all about. Difficult to explain in no time flat. If I didn't do a good enough job, he can always stop by and find out more. In any event he's welcome to return. I didn't envy his biking, a gale was building up from the direction he was planning to ride. I reckon he'd be better off walking a donkey and cart. Donkeys don't have a tendency to fall over when poorly parked. Good luck Lionel, we hope you find what you are looking for.
The first barrow of stone nearly floored me. Some days I just can't find the energy.
I'll do some more in a minute.
I will spend some time today bringing large rocks back down from the top of the field.Arduous to say the least. I could do with a delivery of small boulders. Sinful me, I find myself coveting other peoples rock piles. They can feel safe I'll not steal them.Every pebble to date has been honest got.
Last week we were blessed by a visitor. Lionel. He is packing panniers on his bicycle and pulling a trailer. He is looking for a place in France where he can settle down and live. We didn't have long to talk together. Happen I talked too much, it is rare for us to have company at home. He asked me what my garden project was all about. Difficult to explain in no time flat. If I didn't do a good enough job, he can always stop by and find out more. In any event he's welcome to return. I didn't envy his biking, a gale was building up from the direction he was planning to ride. I reckon he'd be better off walking a donkey and cart. Donkeys don't have a tendency to fall over when poorly parked. Good luck Lionel, we hope you find what you are looking for.
The first barrow of stone nearly floored me. Some days I just can't find the energy.
I'll do some more in a minute.
Sunday, 11 March 2012
Accounting for past actions...
If you have legitimate grounds for any claim against me that you feel needs to be resolved I suggest you take legal advice and have the matter brought before a judge. We are all accountable in law. You appear to be driven by the same delusional obsessions that were a major contribution to our marriage breakdown. I will continue without apology. I may substantiate any allegations I will be making in a claim to the high court. I aim to bring no charge,that will remain within the gift of the presiding judge I guess. Little or nothing I could prove of my deeply felt suspicions of you, leading up to our separation, nor did I want, as long as I could maintain my naive trust. Your secretive deviancy prior to divorce was designed to keep me in the dark. It is in overview more than "just a domestic" family matter. Both "children" are adults. They can volunteer their own contact when and if they feel so inclined. I am not hiding . They both know where I live. I will send you a copy of my most recent email to Toby. It may help towards you getting a more complete picture. I have no wish to divide your familial loyalty, but I will oppose unpardonable intrusions into my personal and private life that serve the cause of your undue influence how I morally may, prepared to account in law without concealment . When Toby acted in agency to your unlawful action he was knowingly complicitous and in his majority. He was served with summary justice, the risk any adult must reasonably take. His part was provocative. I reported my own action to the relevant authorities. His "front line intelligence gathering" as he called it was not solely reserved for harmless game play or festival fun. He appeared to be exercising his own perverted exclusive familial delusion. There is no place in my life for that. He regrets his actions at least as much as I regret my part in consequence. What remains between us, time will tell. I do not coerce him to conform to my partisan view. I don't demand to be appeased or pleased. I wont however be played. He can come to terms or stay away. His peculiar condition Dianne is not of my cultivation nor nurture. it is a result of your own unnatural relationship, is my view, a visible symptom of the effect your congenitally flawed, dominant psychology has had over years. Healthy by any definition, it is not. Your deficiencies are provable civilly. I would be glad to allow a court to decide how matters are to be resolved. The paper trail that Toby speaks of in his email to you in March 2010 is documentary. A compensative effective remedy is long overdue. The intransigence of your part is provably historic your motives will be seen in the light of evidence that reaches long before the divorce. You have deliberately acted to deceive. It will prove to be self evident. What may be obvious to a learned judge may not be apparent nor in accord with your firmly entrenched view. If there is no effective remedy that is both equittable and lawful in or out of court with all moral duties and legal obligations properly discharged, I write fror the record, I will commit all of my saved and copied correspondence to the public domain.. "Letters sent and letters meant". This is not a threat to anyone it is merely my avowed undertaking. It would be well if all sides of the sad story were seen transparently. Discreetly or not. Rights need to be acknowledged. You have deliberately acted to obstruct mine unduly for many years. Much damage has been done, causation may be substantially proven in a civil court. You are strictly liable. Cope as you may. Deal with are no further forward in your advantage than when you were actively engaged in committing acts of fraud against me or when you made misleading statements on affidavit, Fraudulent nondisclosure, no less. I have all of our solicitors' exchanges. C&G correspondence . Letters exchanged between Mr. Littlewood and between "Steve" at Barclays and myself. Statements on loan agreement that implicate Mr. Littlewood and yourself in a deliberate unlawful deception. I don't need to press charges thank heavens. The rightness of my claim is not based on proving criminallity. What is evident will support my civil claim well enough. Your intrusions into my medical confidentiality and privacy are on the record . Your actions were unwarranted. You have told many lies. Much harm done. Going to court is not to be about who is to blame. It is about what is right in accordance with the Law. I am prepared to do the needful in court if I cannot secure affordable representation. You may contest my claim,that is up to you. I need not fear being unable to articulate on my own behalf. Proving falsehood is easier now. Perhaps you are banking on your distractive reasoning aiding the evasion of accountability. New excuses will not serve to cover up old lies. Abstract divergence deliberately misses the point. What's real to you must be common to all. In context with the bigger picture.
I could add many more details,enough for now. I will be sending your threesome family a single letter jointly, "To family Allen-Godden" no less. What you do between you is your own affair. I will write about how it touches me. If I sent it to you I don't trust you would share it. So I will forward you all a copy, for discussion , or not , however you as a threesome entity wish to deal with it. At least the issues of the common subject would be open to all. Choose to ignore or notice, agree or not.. If there is no civilised response privately I will not be held responsible if you behave badly or don't respond at all.A discreet private matter in honourable agreement or the embarassment and inconvenience not to say added expense through a court review of matters now in contention. Discuss or not it is up to you. It is a family matter, that being what your estranged coven claim to be, a family that is. My moral familial interests are indivisible from theirs . The long term good over short term gain.
All three have at some point played for undue profit and prize, All at my singular expense. Much harm done and hurt caused. There will be no long term benefit to hanging on to past lies. Please read with a view to understanding and discuss. Don't be too quick to make witty repost. It wont cover up foolishness.
I will close for now with little hope of a positive reply. My next offering to the Allen-Godden family inclusively will most probably be by the initial medium of my Osmiroid 65. I will forward photograph attachments of the contents to each. I hope this finds you in good health. Yours sincerely Reinold.
I could add many more details,enough for now. I will be sending your threesome family a single letter jointly, "To family Allen-Godden" no less. What you do between you is your own affair. I will write about how it touches me. If I sent it to you I don't trust you would share it. So I will forward you all a copy, for discussion , or not , however you as a threesome entity wish to deal with it. At least the issues of the common subject would be open to all. Choose to ignore or notice, agree or not.. If there is no civilised response privately I will not be held responsible if you behave badly or don't respond at all.A discreet private matter in honourable agreement or the embarassment and inconvenience not to say added expense through a court review of matters now in contention. Discuss or not it is up to you. It is a family matter, that being what your estranged coven claim to be, a family that is. My moral familial interests are indivisible from theirs . The long term good over short term gain.
All three have at some point played for undue profit and prize, All at my singular expense. Much harm done and hurt caused. There will be no long term benefit to hanging on to past lies. Please read with a view to understanding and discuss. Don't be too quick to make witty repost. It wont cover up foolishness.
I will close for now with little hope of a positive reply. My next offering to the Allen-Godden family inclusively will most probably be by the initial medium of my Osmiroid 65. I will forward photograph attachments of the contents to each. I hope this finds you in good health. Yours sincerely Reinold.
Labels:Eco Logic
Iznibz Wazir,
Letters sent and letters meant.
Open letters revisited, accounting for past action...
Over the next few weeks I will be republishing a series of four letters to Dianne Godden.
I don't anticipate the effect they will have, there is however a great need.
My apologies for the ugliness. Some folk will enjoy I don't doubt, it is an intriguing mess for sure. My English is the genuine article, avoiding the Amerikon mutation. It is a subject that wont be learned from dumbed down "bad ass" movies. Work out for yourselves what they are about. There will be approximately one letter per week, interspersed with postings of a more joyous quality.
I don't anticipate the effect they will have, there is however a great need.
My apologies for the ugliness. Some folk will enjoy I don't doubt, it is an intriguing mess for sure. My English is the genuine article, avoiding the Amerikon mutation. It is a subject that wont be learned from dumbed down "bad ass" movies. Work out for yourselves what they are about. There will be approximately one letter per week, interspersed with postings of a more joyous quality.
Labels:Eco Logic
Iznibz Wazir.,
Letters sent and letters meant
Thursday, 1 March 2012
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