Saturday 14 April 2012

Browned off with the corporate "Green"...To Oliver Tickell

Academic waffle, arguments and key board chatterbox distraction. I keep bumping into articles and references to Mr. Tickell's active interest in climate change. Just something he has learned to do the clever speak about. "Must be his dad's influence rubbing off", thinks I.It don't sit well with me Ollie.
At the risk of mounding heaps more trouble on my already over full plate.It struck me that the F.A.R.C. have done more for the ecology of the planet than all the corporate sponsored think tanks and propaganda agents within the Oxford ring road. Why so? 60% of Colombia has been asset stripped and denuded of trees.Slave driven plantations and mineral prospecting have over a few centuries reduced the land to near desert, kept productive with chemicals. The baddies in the real life movie want to strip the rest of the available forest land , that 40% is within the control of the F.A.R.C.
We were there fact finding on the ground. Assuredly not a holiday.Not indulging in the white powder made us very popular in the poor quarter.We were engaged in making kitchen gardens. During our stay we were offered land at a low price by a displaced man, who although he still owned the land was afraid to return to continue farming his small holding. He had bought the land with a view to making a quick cash return by cutting down his major trees by clear felling and slash and burn. The trees would have been sold for timber.The F.A.R.C. sectretariat visited him, to advise at first on the inappropriateness of his methods, not in the best long term interests of his small holding, his region, the country or the planet. The messenger explained about the forest being the lungs of the world and whatever else was good reasoning for him to desist. "It is my land, I own it, they can't, stop me ". He continued to abuse the privilege of his custodianship. A second visit from the secretariat followed the warning delivered, that if he caused them to visit him a third time they would shoot him. pragmatic man ,Eduardo left the region, he still owns the land. The F.A.R.C.were not opposing his right of ownership or any sustainable development. He would have sold the cleared land later to cattle men or biofuel exploiters. The erosion has to stop somewhere, they nipped it in the bud. A small example of real world activism.
I am not condoning armed struggle as the first course of action to gain equitable political change. In extremis as per our inviolable right Oliver someone has to stand on their hind legs and oppose the tyranny of unrestrained capitalist exploitation. No one got hurt and the trees were left standing. Eduardo couldn't sell the land as he could find no one able to cultivate and maintain by sustainable methods. Anyone wishing to buy the land for asset stripping would be deterred by the threat of violence or death.
The rest us of may be grateful in our more reflective moments to breath a small oxygenated sigh of relief for the principled stand the handful of outlawed ideologues are prepared to make.
Years ago you were commissioned to go to Peru at a time of a major cholera epidemic,to compile data that would encourage "eco-tourism". Who could avail themselves of that but the rich. With the proceeds of your working holiday you were able to buy your computer, the beginning of the end of your real time "green" credentials. Friend or FoE Oxford place men block all grassroots progress.
Time for a change, "Yes you can". You were better placed to have been opposing the colossal waste of resources that have been poured into the J.E.T. project in Culham. Perhaps you would not have been so popular with your privileged high table peers. You might however have displaced the coalman's son in Henley.At the very least you may have won one Ecology Party seat in the local council election.
Please don't talk patronising neo colonial bollocks in your proposed solutions to the world crisis Oliver. Don't speak of "Rich countries" owing a debt, speak of rich families.
I have just discovered your April fool joke to the world on the Youtube. Much piss and wind with little of inspiring substance. A disgraceful presentation. On your behalf given that I knew you over years I felt ashamed and embarrassed. Not a little angry Oliver.
You really think we should shove desperate working people back in the redundant car factories making wind turbines ??? You obviously have no idea of the sacrifice that good people have to endure to bear that drudgery week in year out.Bringing up family paying mortgage, you advocate a new age of industrialized slavery . Don't speak of a labour force as a resource to be exploited. And buy your book, visit your web site.
You haven't done enough real work yet to pay for the house you occupy. The glitch ridden lip waggling does not promote confidence in yoyur cause. Even sadder is the fact that as it is a cause commonly shared it proves to be a real obstacle on this side of the academic divide.
Yes we have known about the problem for years. Come and talk about the doing something practical. The several times I have invited you, you have hidden behind the excuse of having a family now. Plenty of time for self promotion. The book Oliver was out of date as a means to an end before you licked the data off the screen.
I challenge you Oliver to get your lazy lip service down here and start again or face being pilloried well into your retirement years.Your children will not thank you for being used as your defensive shield.
Look what you made me write. If I didn't care I wouldn't dare. Your dad sponsored your easy life beginning. You capitalised, ended up owning two houses designed to accommodate working class families. A nice little earner hey what.
And how is your good friend David Chapman, You spoke of the sad demise of the mother of his child and the sad effect disfunctional parenting may have had, you kept his name well out of the picture. The common background you shared perhaps encouraged the oversight. I moved out of Oxford because I couldn't get social housing Oliver it was all being bought up by entrepreneurs and property speculators. You had two, I lived in a mobile home. Easy to point the finger in every direction but yours. Address the emissions that are coming from your own pants. Hells bells man when I knew you, you were ten years younger than me now you look ten years older. Tell me with your mouth, in person ,what are you doing right?
I ask you Oliver, what kind of iconic example is that. Industrial Green soap (blue with a streak of yellow or yellow with a streak of blue) is nothing to do with ecology It is ruining your skin and doesn't make you look any cleaner ,nearer in your promotion to attempting to justify your royalty share of your father's investments. The real life progress is not academic. I may not retire ever as long as I have the strength to breath. There is too much work needs doing. We need greater inspiration in working class homes than garbled incoherent megaphone theatre. Wake up bhai you are letting your own side down. I'll get back to you.

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